Thursday, December 1, 2022

#AdventWord #Make

                                             A selfie of my left hand playing some exercises on the keyboard. 

 Today's Advent Word is #Make . 

I started a new adventure in this Liturgical New Years. On Tuesday afternoon I had my first piano lesson as an adult. I'd tried to play the piano as a child-- but that endeavor lasted briefly due to the fact that I'm terrible with fine motor skills. A traumatic brain injury I sustained at birth left me with two halves {hemispheres} of my brain that do not like to " talk" to one another. 

 I've managed to work with my limitations, but there are some parts of life that I simply cannot do with my stubborn brain hemispheres that do not like each other much.  

My piano teacher specializes in helping students who, like me, can benefit physically from playing the piano. The goal for me to be a top-notch pianist-- that just is not literally how I am wired.  But #making music for the sake of healing, and for the making of making beautiful music {no matter how simple} because to do so brings joy. 

I had always wanted to play the piano but felt for 40 years that would never happen due to my brain difference. At age 46, I AM learning to play the piano-- and feeling comfortable with the fact that I will never be good. I'm making music that will help connect some neurons and bring joy to my soul. 

We humans are designed to be co-creators with our Creator. Our brains-- and our souls-- yearn to create beauty. Art is not just for the most gifted among us.  This is why I am such a huge supporter of arts in education-- we are created to create.  People, and especially young people whose brains are still developing, need time, space and places to make art.

Art, including visual, and performance arts, is essential. 

Making art connects us to ourselves, our communities, and our Creator. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

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