Wednesday, November 30, 2022

#AdventWord #Mountains

                      Me on a trail somewhere in Western North Carolina. Photo by Brian

Today's word is MOUTAINS. 

Life is a series of mountaintop and deep valley experiences. 

There is no doubt in my mind that most of us have seen more than our share of " valley time" during the past few years. A global pandemic, a contested election, a near coup of our government, too much gun violence to name, and now the scary situation in Ukraine weighs heavy on our collective hearts. 

 Many of us also have gone through our own valleys. Illness {or illness of a loved one.}Death.  The end of a marriage. The loss of a relationship. Retirement or unemployment. Financial stress. School stress. Any one of these situations can bring our hearts to a deep " valley." 

There is no way around it-- there are times that we find ourselves in the valley looking up at the mountains-- wishing and praying that we could be there, too. 

The good news for we Christ-followers is that each year brings a promise of HOPE. The sacred stories that we read and hear during advent remind us how Creator Adonai loves we human so much that They {Creator God} brought Themself {somehow} down from the Eternal Mountains to Earth. the Creator of all chose to come live among us-- to arrive on earth as a tiny human. God-As-Human chose to come at a time in history that was fraught with political unrest and racial distrust.  They chose to grow into a Jewish rabbi living in occupied Roman territory. 

He/They, the Person of Jesus Christ, is LOVE incarnate. Rather than staying on the mountain, God joined us here in all our human messiness. 

That, friends, is LOVE. 

Our Creator God understands our mountains and valleys, as Jesus lived these same situations. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 


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