Monday, November 28, 2022

#Adventword #Together


Today's devotional is a photo. Brian and I just returned from a wonderful Thanksgiving at my brother & sister-in-law's home in Atlanta.
This photo says a lot about what the Advent/ Christmastide season means to me: Bringing people TOGETHER. We were a motley crew of people of different ages, ethnicities, & experiences who came together from all over the southern USA to " break bread" with kin.
I give thanks that my family is a literal picture of what it means for Americans to come together as members of the Human Family.
My priest, the Reverend Colonel Susan+ Sowers { US Army} mentioned in her sermon yesterday about how Buffalo residents-- after the tragedy in their city-- came TOGETHER to #ChooseLove , one city, one very diverse population. During the Thanksgiving football game, the Bills' helmets added a sticker that said, " Choose Love". I'm grateful that my family represents the best of what it means to be Americans.
We are all individuals, and that is important. However, coming together-- as a family, a faith community, or as a nation to break bread is essential.
Sarah Beth

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