Sunday, November 27, 2022

#AdventWord #Walk A Letter to Someone in Heaven


Dear Doc:

Today is the first Sunday of Advent, 2022. Brian and I just came home from an incredible family weekend in Atlanta. I'm reminded of two things 1} You always said that Thanksgiving was your very favorite holiday. 2} You shared with me how much you loved Advent-- even though you faithfully served a church in a Christian tradition that does not observe Advent. 

Today's Advent Word is WALK

I'm remined of how you and I walked through life together for twenty-two years. I'd open my email and see at least one long email chain discussion between us. 

Even now: there are so many times when I want to share news by starting an e-mail with " Dear Doc". For instance, The University Of West Florida football team won their playoff game in a BIG fourth-quarter comeback. If you were still walking this Earth with me, we'd have a UWF football thread every week of the season!

When I stumbled during my walk with Christ, you were there to help me regain my footing. You were the best teacher of " life-lessons" that I ever knew. You were humble enough to know that you had more to learn, and that is why I respected you. 

You never judged me-- even when we had some clear disagreements. We walked together, but you were wise enough to let me figure out where MY Christian walk would take me. 

You were, and still are that Christian Wise Elder {though your soul never aged} 

You were more than a former college choir director; you were my walking companion for over two decades. During those years, we both walked each other through some joyous and sad things. I knew I could count on you to be a wise presence in my life, and I hope that I brought a different perspective to your life. 

You walked me through my entire time at The University of West Florida. I'm especially fond of that summer term that I spent on campus: you'd take me to lunch on Wednesdays after we both finished with school for the day 

You played for my college commencement I know you were scheduled to do so, but it meant the world to me that you were there when I walked across that podium. 

You played for my wedding and refused to take any money. As I walked with Brian down the aisle, I looked up and smiled as you played 'Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee' on the organ. 

I'm glad I was gifted the short time I had with you during those last weeks of your Earthly walk. In my mind's eye, you are still the beautiful, talented " Doc" Lynne whom I met at UWF all those years ago. The walk we shared together between our first meeting in the Rehearsal Hall at UWF and my last visit with you in your home are some of the best years of my life. 

I love you and miss you, Doc. I pray my walk on Earth going forward is a credit to your memory. 



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