Tuesday, November 29, 2022

#AdventWord #Teach

                                          My little scientist, proudly holding a cup of Atomic Pee {don't ask} that she made with the chemistry set. 

Today's Advent word is #TEACH. 

During our Thanksgiving break, I got to spend some one-on-one time with my niece, " L" .  In addition to making art { which is our go-to activity for Auntie- Niece Time} we had some messy, gooey fun using a chemistry set that was called _ Gross Chemistry Set_. 

My nephew was entrenched in World Cup Soccer, but L {not the sports fan} was eager to explore the contents of the Gross Chemistry Set. I, being weary of sports on TV, was more than willing to join L in the makeshift chemistry lab in the basement. 

It was so much fun!

I'm grateful for this time to #teach, by example that two female persons can explore science together. While I am a HUGE proponent of arts' education--- I also know that STEM is equally important. As a person who was a child in the 1980's I remember being shifted away from things like chemistry sets, building sets {such as Erector sets, which thankfully my brother owned at home} 

Thank God for progressive parents who let us read and play with anything within reason when we were growing up. I played with Erector Sets. My brother played with dolls. We are both well-rounded adults. 

By spending quality time with my niece engaging in science, I showed her that " girls"  also can enjoy STEM-related activities.

Little people are watching and listening. Teach them that toys such as chemistry sets and baby dolls are for all children. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

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