Saturday, February 4, 2023

My " Big Rocks" for 2023


                                                   Brian at the " big rock" known as Grandfather Mountain in Western NC . 

What are your " big rocks" for Year 2023. 

Maybe I better explain. " Big Rocks" are the important things in life-- things that we must schedule and make a priority. According to my priest's newsletter article for February, these " big rock" things must be scheduled first-- otherwise a'' the " little rocks" take precedence in using time, energy, resources and effort. 

Here are my 2023 " Big Rocks." 

1. Feeding my soul. 

As a wise friend pointed out, I tend to neglect my own spiritual and emotional needs. She said that unless I take time to " refill my cup" I'll be empty {I was getting there at the time she and I talked} 

Wise Friend asked me what would refill my cup, and the first thing I said was " Hiking in the mountains".  After a back-and-forth conversation {my friend was having none of my flimsy excuses, which is one reason why I adore her so much} I talked with Brian about taking a short trip to te Alabama Appalachian Mountains. Oddly enough, as soon as I booked that VRBO, I felt as if a huge weight lifted from my body. 

I also plan to continue studying the piano in 2023 as part of soul-care. {But piano, since it is new to me, is its own Big Rock} Piano study is good for my mind, body and soul, so it needs to be a priority. 

 I also plan to take time to be more intentional about maintaining my Rule of Life in 2023. I'd revised it As part of our vows as Daughters of The King, we develop and maintain a Rule of Life but mine had not been reviewed /revised since August & placed somewhere where I can look at it daily. 

 Part of feeding my soul will also include evaluating parts of my life that do not seem to fulfil me. Continuing to do anything that has outlived its purpose actually can drain one's emotional and spiritual cups quickly. 

2. Physical health. 

In 2023 I will tend to the Big Rock of eating enough to maintain my weight, staying hydrated {hydration is hard for me, but after the last trip to the local emergency room after another fainting episode, I NEED to be more mindful about water intake} 

I've scheduled a diagnostic procedure in early March after seeing yet another pain doctor regarding the chronic nerve pain that has plagued me for three years. The first course of treatments for the chronic pain does not work anymore, so we are exploring other options. I finally said, " screw the anti-drug people" and asked about temporarily using a mild narcotic to give me a few pain-free hours during the day. Until now, I'd resisted asking about heavy pain pills, until the pain left me hardly unable to walk. There is no shame in {properly} using pharmaceuticals. 

3 Intellectual Pursuits 

 In 2023, my main intellectual pursuit will be piano study. 

 I'll be faithful with attending lessons and {more importantly} practicing daily. Learning a new language -- music IS another language--requires discipline. Learning anything new as an adult is harder-- adult brains are not as pliable as those of younger people-- so learning this new language is harder than someone learning it as a child. I can already tell that piano will be the easiest Big Rock for me to maintain this year-- I'm enjoying it so much! 

 I also plan to write more this year-- as writing is and always has been about an art and a necessity for me. 

These are my three " Big Rocks" for 2023. What are yours? 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

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