Friday, January 14, 2022

#Remembering My Belovedness by Hiking in the Woods #AnneLynneAdventures

                             Anne-Lynne accompanied Brian and me on a nature walk at the UWF                                     trail today. Photo By The Pensacola Hippie. 

Sunday we Christians celebrated Jesus' baptism. I was with the children during the first part of church, so I finally got to hear the sermon today {Thank goodness for video recordings of live events} 

Anyway, what struck me about her sermon, was that we are blessed to find the peace of Christ--within us. Especially during these COVID times, when life seems to change daily, we are blessed to be united with Christ -- Creator God in Human Form--- through Baptism. 

The word I chose for 2022 is: Remember.  For me, it is hard to remember that I am Beloved by Creator God--just as I am. There are no exceptions. 

 God loves me. My response to this radical love is to love people {especially people I do not like} In order to keep this memory of my Belovedness at the front of my mind I need to take time to meet Creator God-- to commune with God as I would a friend. 

 As a child, I always felt a connectedness to The Creator of the Universe while in the woods near my home. If permitted, I could spend hours soaking up the energy of the dark Appalachian soil. During warmer months I would relish in dipping my toes in a cool creek. 

Here in Florida, I seek and find private communication with God both in the piney Northwest Florida woods and by the blue-green waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 

                    Me resting quietly in a grove on the UWF Nature Trail. Photo by Brian 
Nature reminds me that we humans, as self-important as we are-- are really just one species on a planet full of plants and other animals. But, as we are made in Creator God's Image, we are Beloved enough that the Creator sent us Godself in human for as our Redeemer. God became an Earth-creature. In the Person of Jesus, the Christ, God used all five senses to experience Creation fully. God delights in God's own Creation. 

 I especially like to be around natural water. Growing up land-locked, the only safe source of natural water available to me were the creeks that snaked in the woods near my house. I am drawn to water, and I find that even looking at a body of water soothes my soul and connects me to a Loving Creator.

                                                  The creek running through the UWF Nature Preserve. 

My hope for 2022 is that we all find ways to remember our Belovedness. 


Sarah McCarren


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