Saturday, January 22, 2022

My Action Intention for 2022: HEAL

                        Beading is HARD: Here is my hand-strung Action Intention for Year 2022

 I am cautiously optimistic regarding Year 2022. I do not want to set the bar too high--- after all 2021 ended up a real cluster mug of a year--- for several reasons. Naturalist Jane Goodall says: humans need hope to survive as a species. 

 In that hope-full spirit, I've chose two words to guide me for 2022. First: my meditation word is REMEMBER.  Additionally, I've chosen another verb-- an action-- which to intentionally practice this calendar year. My Action Verb is: HEAL. 

 There is no doubt in my mind that there are a lot of people in need of healing now. While many of my thoughts go out to those most affected by either being sick with COVID or losing a loved on to this pandemic, ALL of us have some healing to do. 

  Jobs were lost. Marriages ended Thankfully, neither of these happened to me, but I am mindful of others whose Pandemic Collateral includes lost income and broken marriages. 

  Family ties have been strained or broken {regarding vaccination status and the contentious 2020 political season} 

 People stayed physically away from loved ones in order to keep others safe--- celebrations were either muted or totally cancelled in 2021. 

  We are all hurting. 

  For my own sanity and spiritual wellness: i need to:

~ Name the hurts that I've both experienced myself and inflicted upon others. 

~Confess to God in the presence of my trusted priest. This will help me put all the hurts into a big " God Box" 

~Make reparations if needed. 

~ Finally, I shall let that shit go. It is a heavy load, and I am weary of carrying it. 


Sarah McCarren



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