Wednesday, January 5, 2022

#AdventuresOfAnneLynne #Coffee Shop and Real Bagels

                                             Anne-Lynne showing off with the bagel. Best in town: Flash frozen                                           from a NYC bagel shop Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

It is nice to be selectivly social with people whose safety parameters are equal or more stringent than ours.  Today I did something so simple-- such a " normal" ritual before the onset of COVID-Tide. 

 I sat in a coffee shop and enjoyed a REAL NYC style bagel and a cup of the best hot chai tea in Pensacola. My companion is a woman who is being even more stringent with COVID-safety procedures than Brian and me. My friend has a young child at home who is more susceptible to the Omicron variant. After feeling anger & resentment at people I know who refuse to vaccinate and/or mask indoors in large gatherings, {GRR} it was nice to relax with someone of the same heart & mind as me regarding COVID.  

Honestly, I still am angered, saddened & baffled by selfish adults who claim that requiring vaccinations and face-coverings in public indoor spaces is affecting their " Constitutional rights".  This is nothing but right-wing hogwash I can think of some stronger language, but I promised Brian that I'd curb the salty language {I am an Irish American born in the Rust Belt, so swear words are my second language} Anyway, the coffee shop that my friend and I patronized today is very conscientious about cleanliness & protection. The barista wears a mask at all times. 

 Self-care for me this year looks liken tending to those parts of my psyche and soul that are COVID-weary. If anyone has a heart-- it has been torn by COVID and how some still chose to downplay the risk. On Monday I made an appointment to start seeing a psychiatrist for anti-anxiety medication, since my wonderful Primary Care doctor is no longer permitted to prescribe such meds. For Lent, I plan to use the Rite of reconciliation with my rector. 

 COVID has taught me to savor the small stuff in life: Five years ago, I would have scoffed if I'd been told that a simple coffee date would mean so much. I'm ready to start socializing very safely. Frankly, I do not know if my soul will ever fully recover from COVID-Life--- I'd seen so much ugliness from people and choices were made for Florida residents that prolong the pandemic. These pre-pandemic " normal" rituals are as sacred-- perhaps more sacred right now-- as the Bread and Wine we receive. After all Christ IS in each of us and safe coffee ritual with a friend is a holy communion indeed. 

In closing, I want to say that this city NEEDS a Jewish deli. Y'all are missing out on some wonderful treats! 


Sarah McCarren

12th Night, 2022. 

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