Friday, September 3, 2021

Pluses and Pitfalls of Having " A Big Heart'

                            Deer at Beech Mountain, NC  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

My priest, who is one of the wisest people I know, once told me that my " big heart is both your greatest asset and biggest liability. 

 As usual, she is 100 percent correct. 

 These times are extra-challenging for we sensitive, intuitive, big-hearted folks. We are bot repelled by humanity & wish to save it from itself. We try to guess what people in need require and tend to feel sad when loving actions are re-buffed. 

  You do not watch the TV news and are very selective  of which online information sources you use. Sensitive, big-hearted people learn to walk that fine line  of being an informed citizen and overwhelm by the seemingly worse world. 

 Big hearted people need to compartmentalize. I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing the goings-on in the world and in other places nationally--- as there is not much I can do to help others who are not in my immediate vicinity, so I read, acknowledge, and place that trouble in the " God Box" 

  I cannot afford to carry around other people's " stuff", so I don't. 

  Being big-hearted can be a liability if I ' take on" all the sadness & pain of people I know.  One of the lessons I've learned recently is that I cannot anticipate what someone else needs, and since I cannot get inside their head--- have no real idea of how they are thinking and what emotions they experience. 

  Sometimes all we can do is love someone enough to lovingly, gently place them and their needs  in the God-Box. Some journeys with loved ones require that we walk in tandem, but not { physically or mentally} crossing into their space. This does not mean that I love this person or people less, it means that I cannot waste mental/spiritual energy on trying to interpret mixed signals during a pandemic. 

  Instead, I am finding more ways to use my " big heart" to better the world for people in my own state, county, city & community. I'm inspired by a couple I know wo attend my church to get involved in direct sociopolitical action via the local Women's Club of my political party. 

  Now I realize that, per Diocese policy, I'll need to keep my church  social justice work completely separate from any political activism, but I am ready for that challenge. By becoming more involved in the issues in my city, county and state, I can live but Christ's commandment to serve the needed, and honor all persons. I won't talk about this work at church or at church gatherings-- and I'm okay with this stipulation. Honestly, being a more active in my political party here is a wee bit daunting, as I am in the minority { albeit a slight minority in my city} 

  I can only do so much. Realizing whom and what I can and cannot fix helps me re-center my energy and use the ' big heart" in healthy, fruitful ways. 

With love and liberation for all ...

~Sarah McCarren

3 Sept 2021

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