Monday, September 6, 2021

I Did A Thing


                                       Old Facebook profile photo. Selfie by Yours Truly. 

I, a usually very timid { until one gets to know me--- then look out!!} , artsy, INFJ Type4 Wing 5 person who would rather work " behind the scenes". The 2016 election { and the mess that followed}  changed me. While I'm still the artsy, introverted weirdo that everyone knows, the mess of the past few years has really " forced my hand" so to speak.

  I cannot, and will not continue being that " nice White liberal from the Pittsburgh Area"  Being " nice" --- not disturbing the status quo of White America-- does NOTHING for Black, Brown or other oppressed groups. 

  Pastor Elle Dowd, in her book _ Baptized In Tear Gas_ talks about " niceness" and how White people have weaponized niceness to further agendas that keep oppressed persons { and I am including people with uteruses and LGBTQ+ persons} in place. 

  Pastor Elle writes in her book "  White people use niceness and civility dishonestly. We { all White people-- especially me} say we value niceness , but what we really value is being in control of what niceness looks like and when it is appropriate by our own standards. We { White people} are addicted to control, '  { Dowd page 44}  Of the protests in Ferguson  and St Louis, the author writes" White people in cars were so angry about blocked traffic that they tried to run over protesters."  { Dowd page 45} 

  I, the introverted, " nice" White woman, joined my local Democratic Women's Club. As much as I detest partisan politics, direct action-- done with people who share my values, is the only way to effect real change. 

As hard as it is for me to be a joiner of any social or community-betterment club-- what happened on the 6t of January really caused me to re-evaluate the legacy I want to leave for the generations coming up. Due to COVID and protecting my spouse-- who is undergoing cancer treatment-- I elected to support the Black Lives Matter efforts here in my City from home.. In order to keep Brian safe, I had to stay home and be an Internet Activist. I hated this, but I had a spouse to protect from germs and the Floyd murder happened before vaccines were made and tested. 

 However, this summer and autumn I am vaccinated, masked and ready to take to the streets to show people in charge that Pensacola is slowly changing. There are enough of us- that if we put our differences aside and work together-- one issue at a time, we can be that force for good and necessary trouble. 

This week I sent in my dues for the Escambia County chapter of the Florida Democratic Women's Club. My first meeting of my chapter { via Zoom--- yucko} is next week. In October, I plan to join my siblings in the MUCH more radical Workers' World Party  in a rally for reproductive rights. 

  I am the daughter of hippies--- and the song from Frozen 2 " Show Yourself" speaks to me--- finally stepping into my own power as the activist and change-maker I've meant to be. 

Some lyrics: 

"I've never felt so certain
All my life I've been torn
But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born?
I have always been so different
Normal rules did not apply
Is this the day?
Are you the way
I finally find out why?....
I am found

Show yourself
Step into your power
Throw yourself
Into something new

You are the one you've been waiting for!

Hello, world! 
~Sarah Elizabeth McCarren
6 September 20201

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