Saturday, February 6, 2021

Same Storm, but Different Boats

                           Channeling St Brigid on this cold, damp early February day.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

        This pandemic SUCKS!  And yes, I know damn well that all of us are stuck with this reality. However--- we are not " all in this together. " Sure-- Pandemic Life is a storm that is worldwide, but different people are on different " boats" based upon experiences & life circumstances. 

       I know I am blessed -- especially since all my basic needs of food, shelter & clothing are covered. I am married to a wonderful spouse. 

       However-- as a person with some physical and mental disabilities--- living during this time can be challenging.  After one year-- I'm accustomed to the abnormal life that we must lead now. On most days, I'm okay. yet on some days--- especially when my chronic pain flares I resent COVID Life more than I ever resented A.T. in school. Add an unusually  cool & dark Northwest Florida winter to the mix and it adds up to a Sarah-in-a-bad-mental-place. 

    Being stuck inside, suffering a pain flare on a dark day during a pandemic affects me differently than it does people who do not suffer physical and/or mental health challenges. 

    So, please don't judge that person who struggles on some days. 

     Thank you for your patience. You can now return to your regularly-scheduled COVID programming. 



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