Saturday, February 20, 2021

Pandemic Life has taught me...


                                                                     Brian and me

  I've learned a lot in Pandemic Life.  I think most people will agree that Year 2020 is on of epic clustermugs-- from pandemics to storms to the most divisive election in my 40 plus years of life.  And year 2021 has not started out too well. We are still stuck in a surreal Pandemic Life { but people are  rolling up their sleeves for the vax } , most of the continental United States is suffering the effects of a furious Elsa The Ice Queen and the country remains deeply divided. 

   What have I learned so far in 2020-21? 

   Firstly: I miss people. Although I am an introvert-- thankfully  I overcame my shyness. I do not miss big crowds in public, but I miss gatherings with people from church & my Pensacola Progressives community. I miss church suppers, ball games, and other activities in my community. I miss Cards Against Humanity with the women in my Sunday Card Ladies' group.  I'm grateful for virtual gatherings, but it is not the same as occupying e same physical space as other people. 

 I miss options. This polar weather would normally see me running the treadmill at the gym near our house, but Pandemic Life makes gym-going not possible.  Although I prefer to walk outdoors, I miss the occasional treadmill mile challenge at the gym. I miss eating in a restaurant. Brian and I do buy take-out from local places , but I miss the atmosphere of relaxing with my spouse and totally let someone else do the dishes. 

But perhaps the most important lesson that I can take away from this entire experience is that I really  am becoming the person I always was-- life is too short to pretend to be anyone other than one's authentic. self. One of the reasons I admire recording artist Lady Gaga is that she overcame her " misfit" status in her formative years and found success in embracing her authentic self.  She's built a successful brand based on who she is and what she believes.  However, unlike other famous " authentic" people,{ I won't mention names} Gaga did not earn her fame and fortune by being cruel.  Many of her lyrics uplift and empower people-- especially girls & women.  I say all this to learn that life is to short to be anything other than the best version of myself. 

I ,like everyone else, lost much during this pandemic. But I've re-claimed myself. The Gaga says: 

"So hold your head up, girl, and you'll go far
"Listen to me when I say"

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself, and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way..." 

Peace , y'all...

~Sarah McCarren

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