Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh & Using Words Wisely


                Amanda Gorman: Using her words to bring light & love to ALL Americans

Rush Limbaugh is dead from cancer at age 70. 

 I feel sorry for people in his inner circle who loved him. I DO NOT celebrate his death. 

 However, I will not miss his presence here on Earth. 

 Mr Limbaugh was a divider-- he made his fame and fortune by producing racist, sexist, ablest , homophobic radio content. He energized a base of White Americans that played a part in the racial/ethnic violence we have seen during the past few years. 

His views , no matter what some might think, are not traditional values of the Republican Party.  However, his work is part of the movement that has transformed the Party Of Lincoln into The Party of Hatred. 

I don't feel disgusted by him because he is a Republican. I know many fine people who are Republicans, and they do not share the racist , sexist, homophobic views of Mr Limbaugh.  I am disgusted by his legacy because his words { and actions that these words have incited over the years} 

However, during Lent I am working on seeing the lessons in life that will bring me closer to God. 

Rush Limbaugh used words as a weapon. Very few people were safe from his dangerous word-bullets.  This begs the question: How am I using MY God-given ability to speak . Am I being uplifting or tearing others down with words? 

We all have been guilty at some point of using words as weapons. I know I've been more guilty of this sin than I'd  normally be-- since this last election cycle was the most divisive in recent history.  Perhaps the lesson for all of us to take away from the life and death of this man is to be kind with out words--- especially on the Internet. 

Words do hurt, and I think that the Internet has groomed we Americans to be lazy with our words.  I know I've made Internet comments that I'd never say to someone in-person. I know I'm not alone in this faulty behavior. 

I'm more mindful of what I say now, but there is room for improvement--- especially when the subject of such hate-filled figures as Mr Limbaugh arises. 

O God, Creator of the Universe, I long to use my speech to lift up others. Please catch me when I fall and remind me that I am a reflection of Your Belovedness. Forgive me, and help me to forgive others who misuse Your gift of words Amen. 

~Sarah McCarren

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