Thursday, January 18, 2024

" Fearless" Prophet ?

                                           Little Sarabeth 1980's Myrtle Beach , SC

Recently, someone whom I love, respect, and trust said to me during one of our  conversations:

                                              "Sarahbeth, you are fearless. "

She is not wrong. I like to try new things, and I am always up for adventures. Oftentimes {in my youth} said adventures would land me in some sort of minor trouble. 

My bishop called me " a prophet". 

Again, he is not wrong. I've been known to boldly speak and act against injustices, while working towards causes that might benefit everyone. 

We all know what happen to prophets. They either die or are exiled from their home village. I do not want t o be a prophet. People think prophets are insane. 

Now, dear friends, I am afraid.

I am afraid for Florida's future. Normally I stay away from politics, but I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to state that the laws that the recent Florida legislature has passed and wants to pass are violations of human rights. 

I am afraid for the Black, Brown, Jewish, Muslim, and LGBTQ citizens of my state. 

There are new laws in Florida that restrict communication between teachers, , unpaid school volunteers {such as me}, and the K12 students we serve. 

I ardently worked to stop these laws from passing, appealing to people's sense of decency. It did not work, and it took an enormous amount of strength to finish the three days of text-banking. 

The student I mentor is an 8th grader in one of Florida's public schools. My student { we are not permitted to refer to them using personal pronouns} is of Asian descent. Under Florida law, if this young person shares with me instances of bullying due to race, I must tell the student that I am prohibited by Florida Law from discussing such matters. I then must refer the student to the school's guidance department. 

There are other restrictions, but the one regarding bullying and race could directly affect my student's well-being.

Here is an article from my local paper that outlines these bills, and the damage they do.

Here is another article about what Florida plans to do in 2024.

Y'all, this " Fearless Prophet" is afraid. I'm afraid for both Florida's present and her future. 

I'm afraid because all I can do is speak out against the injustices that are being legislated in the name of all people of Florida. 

I fear for the state in which my student will spend some formative teenage years. 

Most of all, I am afraid that no one else gives a damn.



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