Wednesday, January 24, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 1


                                           Brian and me. Ansley+s ordination 2021

Day One: Where did you see sacrifice today ? 

I saw sacrifice today, and every Wednesday.

 Wednesday is " our day"-- a day where NO DOCTOR's APPOINTMENTS can occur. 

Wednesdays usually look like this: 

Bible Study. Mentoring my middle-school student at the local school. Piano lesson {for me} at the local {but nationally recognized for excellence} music store.  in the late afternoon, followed by the evening supper/ worship/ program at our church. 

Of course, not every Wednesday follows this pattern. Sometimes my lesson is cancelled. We don't have Wednesday evening programming at church all weeks of the year, and some Wednesdays are " early release" days for the public schools & no mentoring. 

Generally, our Wednesdays have a fairly predictable pattern, and one that is made possible by my spouse's sacrifice. I am medically unable to drive, and I cannot do any of the things I do on Wednesdays, or any other day,, without Brian's sacrifice. 

Love -- especially the love that Bishop Curry discusses, requires sacrifice. 


Sarahbeth McCarren 

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