Friday, January 26, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 3


                      Me working on my favorite hobby , a hobby I've picked up at midlife. 

Day 3 : Did fear get in the way today ? 

"Being #fearless doesn't mean you are completely unafraid, and it doesn't mean that you are bulletproof. It means that you have a lot of fears, but you jump anyway" ~Taylor Swift

I've been told that one of my better qualities is that I am " fearless".

Ask anyone who has known me most of my life, my fearlessness has gotten me into trouble-- and has been the cause of some wonderful memories made!

Taylor Swift's quote made me think about what it truly means to live life without fear.

Certain things scare me, such as living after the death of my spouse, becoming physically maimed from illness or an accident, and a coup de' état of my nation's government.

The short answer to this question is : No. Fear did not get in my way today, because today has been a n average day in my life. Since I am not fearful nor weak, I am not afraid of life.

As people of faith, we are called to live more fearlessly than our neighbors. We are called to live out Love, not stay locked away in our homes in fear.

Recently I had an epiphany regarding this matter of living in fear. Due to COVID, I've not been on an airplane since 2018. A crippling fear has kept me literally grounded, and away from people I love who live in the Pittsburgh area. After discussing this matter with Brian, I am flying up to Greater Pittsburgh for a short visit in May. If the pandemic has taught us anything, is that we cannot stay sequestered in our homes, living life online only.

Our Creator created us to be in communion with Them and with each other.

Fear not, friends!


Sarahbeth McCarren

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