Saturday, January 27, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 4

                                             My Daughters of The King Chapter {Minus yours truly, as I had flower duty that Sunday } at our admission. We are also missing one other sister, who is homebound. 

Day 4 : Who inspires you? 

I am blessed to have MANY people who inspire me. It would take too long, and be at least a book, to talk about each person I know who inspires me to be my better self. 

I'm choosing to fucus on nine women whose presence in my life inspires me. Collectively, and more importantly, the women of my Daughters of the King chapter inspire me to do my best to serve Jesus each day. We are a diverse group of women-- who each brings her own gifts to our chapter, parish, diocese and wider Church. 

There are ten of us in the St Clare Chapter at our parish. Six of us were admitted together after the required three-month preparation and study period that is require for all women and girls discerning a call to the Order. During this prep time, we had a unique chance to really know each other beyond a surface way. These women are a definite part of my inner circle of love and trust, and there is nothing that I would not do for any of them. 

Modern society teaches women and girls to compete and look for ways to " one-up" each other.  How much nicer society would be if we all {and especially women and girls} looked to inspire and empower each other rather than tear each other down? 

Today I am especially grateful for the nine women in my own chapter, whose lives inspire me to do my part, in my own way, to work towards Christ's Kingdom. 


~Sarahbeth McCarren 

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