Monday, May 6, 2024

That Day in May

                    For some reason, my own mother loves this photo of me. So, I'll post it for her. 

I was born in May 

Yes, I am a Taurus, and that probably explains why I am a champion grudge-holder and " bullheaded". {I prefer " persistent", but whatevs} 

 This coming Sunday will be the second Sunday in May. In these not-so-United States, that Sunday is always set aside as Mothers" Day. 

 I'll probably get roasted online {again} for this unpopular opinion, but here we go anyway. 

 I HATE Mothers' Day. As a matter of fact, I hate it so much that I'm debating about choosing to attend Saturday evening Mass this week and totally skip all the nonsense on Sunday. 

Last year, when I expressed online about how I feel about this American tradition, I got roasted, both in public social media spaces and {this was a lot worse} in my direct messages. 

Don't get me wrong, I think motherhood is an honorable calling. And contrary to what I've been told I feel, I'm not jealous because I am not a member of this club. I've been mothered by some amazing souls over the years, and for them I am grateful. 

Rather, and here is my thesis, Mothers' Day dredges a lot of REALLY sad parts of my past that I do not discuss. If I choose to share the full story as to why Mothers' Day is such a hard day for me, consider yourself among my very trusted few. 

In spite of what the retail world wants us to believe, there are more people for whom Mothers' Day is hard. Many are women, but people of other genders also may feel nothing but sadness on this day. 

 My two given names, Sarah and Elizabeth: are names of Biblical women who were said to be barren, I will look at ways in which I, whose womb is barren, does " mother". 

We have a dog. And yes, I am his mom. This is a hill I will die on. Pet moms are moms, too. 

Brian and I keep houseplants. I tend to their needs, making sure they get all the sunshine and water that they require. 

I mentor an amazing public-school student of whom I am incredibly proud. 

My niece and nephew are growing up to be amazing young humans, and they share my DNA. More importantly, they have my unconditional love. For nurturing young humans, unconditional love is more important than and shared DNA. 

Yes, I struggle with " Mothers' Day". But this week, I am choosing to recall all the ways that people nurture--- without being a ' mother' in the traditional sense. 

O God, thank YOU for giving us Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary, mother of Your Son, Jesus. help me to live into my own nontraditional " motherhood" and help others who are bereft on this day find some peace. In Jesus' Name, AMEN 

Sarahbeth McCarren 

6 May 2024


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