Sunday, December 24, 2023

AdventWord #Covanent

                                   Our Wedding Photo. I was so young-looking then By Ann W. 

Today's word is " Covenant."

According to the dictionary, the definition is " an agreement" or " to agree by lease, deed or other contract. 

Brian and I made a covenant with each other eight years ago. 

Marriage is wonderful, if it is with the right partner. 

Marriage is also work. It is not the perpetual state of bliss that Hallmark Christmas movies want people to believe. 

It is a binding contract with another person, the state, and {for people of faith} Creator God.  

In eight years, Brian and I have been thru several surgeries, a cancer diagnosis, deaths of close family members, and a move.

Creator God sent Godself , Jesus, as a reminder that God is, has been, and always will be here. 

This evening, we will remember that covenant as we celebrate God-as-human being born. 

Merry Christmas , everyone. 

Sarahbeth McCarren 

Christmas Eve/ Advent 4. 

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