Friday, December 22, 2023

" Merry Merry" versus " December Blues "

                                          Chapel set up for " Longest Night" service at church 

I love Advent. 

 I also love The Feast of The Nativity-- bot the evening liturgy on December 24 and the entirely different but equally wonderful Christmas Day liturgy on December 25. 

But I am NOT a fan of December. As the days get darker, and my Seasonal Affective depression gets worse, I struggle to find purpose and hope in a culture that gets entirely too over-commercialized at this time of year. 

In spite of the genuine joy found for most people, there is no doubt that these dark days, when the sun slowly stays away longer until December 21, bring some read sadness to many people. 

But there is hope in the darkness of December.  During the darkest week of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, a Child was born Who would change human history forever. He was born -- not to wealthy parents, but to a poor carpenter's wife. 

This Child would grow up to show humanity a new way, a Way of Love. 

It is okay if we are not always-- or really never-- into the tinsel trimmings of this month. As Followers of Christ, we find real joy in living into His Nativity-- and remembering what a Gift it is to call Him, Brother, Teacher and Savior. 

Merry Christmas, Friends. 

Sarahbeth McCarren 

Advent , 2023

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