Saturday, January 27, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 4

                                             My Daughters of The King Chapter {Minus yours truly, as I had flower duty that Sunday } at our admission. We are also missing one other sister, who is homebound. 

Day 4 : Who inspires you? 

I am blessed to have MANY people who inspire me. It would take too long, and be at least a book, to talk about each person I know who inspires me to be my better self. 

I'm choosing to fucus on nine women whose presence in my life inspires me. Collectively, and more importantly, the women of my Daughters of the King chapter inspire me to do my best to serve Jesus each day. We are a diverse group of women-- who each brings her own gifts to our chapter, parish, diocese and wider Church. 

There are ten of us in the St Clare Chapter at our parish. Six of us were admitted together after the required three-month preparation and study period that is require for all women and girls discerning a call to the Order. During this prep time, we had a unique chance to really know each other beyond a surface way. These women are a definite part of my inner circle of love and trust, and there is nothing that I would not do for any of them. 

Modern society teaches women and girls to compete and look for ways to " one-up" each other.  How much nicer society would be if we all {and especially women and girls} looked to inspire and empower each other rather than tear each other down? 

Today I am especially grateful for the nine women in my own chapter, whose lives inspire me to do my part, in my own way, to work towards Christ's Kingdom. 


~Sarahbeth McCarren 

Friday, January 26, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 3


                      Me working on my favorite hobby , a hobby I've picked up at midlife. 

Day 3 : Did fear get in the way today ? 

"Being #fearless doesn't mean you are completely unafraid, and it doesn't mean that you are bulletproof. It means that you have a lot of fears, but you jump anyway" ~Taylor Swift

I've been told that one of my better qualities is that I am " fearless".

Ask anyone who has known me most of my life, my fearlessness has gotten me into trouble-- and has been the cause of some wonderful memories made!

Taylor Swift's quote made me think about what it truly means to live life without fear.

Certain things scare me, such as living after the death of my spouse, becoming physically maimed from illness or an accident, and a coup de' état of my nation's government.

The short answer to this question is : No. Fear did not get in my way today, because today has been a n average day in my life. Since I am not fearful nor weak, I am not afraid of life.

As people of faith, we are called to live more fearlessly than our neighbors. We are called to live out Love, not stay locked away in our homes in fear.

Recently I had an epiphany regarding this matter of living in fear. Due to COVID, I've not been on an airplane since 2018. A crippling fear has kept me literally grounded, and away from people I love who live in the Pittsburgh area. After discussing this matter with Brian, I am flying up to Greater Pittsburgh for a short visit in May. If the pandemic has taught us anything, is that we cannot stay sequestered in our homes, living life online only.

Our Creator created us to be in communion with Them and with each other.

Fear not, friends!


Sarahbeth McCarren

Thursday, January 25, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 2

                                                Random Uke Neck photo 

Day 2 What is an unexpected blessing that came your way ? 

I'd had a hard couple of weeks { and I'm not going to discuss it} , and a parishioner offered to send me a copy of Bishop Curry's book _ Love Is the Way: Holding Onto Hope In Troubling Times_

As we finish up the first month of 2024, and slide into what looks like a very interesting election cycle, I needed the reminder to look for the signs of hope in humanity. 

Fred " Mr." Rogers said: 

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me' Look for the helpers.' You will always find people who are helping." 

I'd like to take this quote one step further and suggest that we Christ-followers look for ways to BE those helpers. 

I'm blessed with so many of these people in my life, people who show me the hope and love that Christ calls us to every day by their daily acts of love. 

One seemingly small act of help can change a person's day-- or even their life. {I've had this happen to me, too} 

Look for the helpers. Look for the blessings. 

Be a helper. Be a blessing. 


~Sarahbeth McCarren 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

#ACaseForLove Day 1


                                           Brian and me. Ansley+s ordination 2021

Day One: Where did you see sacrifice today ? 

I saw sacrifice today, and every Wednesday.

 Wednesday is " our day"-- a day where NO DOCTOR's APPOINTMENTS can occur. 

Wednesdays usually look like this: 

Bible Study. Mentoring my middle-school student at the local school. Piano lesson {for me} at the local {but nationally recognized for excellence} music store.  in the late afternoon, followed by the evening supper/ worship/ program at our church. 

Of course, not every Wednesday follows this pattern. Sometimes my lesson is cancelled. We don't have Wednesday evening programming at church all weeks of the year, and some Wednesdays are " early release" days for the public schools & no mentoring. 

Generally, our Wednesdays have a fairly predictable pattern, and one that is made possible by my spouse's sacrifice. I am medically unable to drive, and I cannot do any of the things I do on Wednesdays, or any other day,, without Brian's sacrifice. 

Love -- especially the love that Bishop Curry discusses, requires sacrifice. 


Sarahbeth McCarren 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

" Fearless" and flying again

                                           Dad and me... a long time ago. Western Pennsylvania farmhouse 

 My 2024 word is FEARLESS. 

Buckle up folks, this will be quite a journey!  I may or may not share some details of my " fearless" adventures when I was a student at West Liberty University {protecting the names of the guilty, of course}

My intention is to really live into this personality trait... to work towards re-engagement fully in life. 

For instance, I have not flown on an airplane since 2018. 

2019 was Cancer Year for Brian, so I had to stay close to home {I don't think we traveled anywhere that awful year} Procedures, appointments, radiation and chemo shots ruled that year. 

We had some big travel adventures for 2020, but... yup the pandemic came and grounded many people. My dear paternal grandmother died in December of that year, and COVID, and keeping Brian safe, took precedence over funeral travel. A cousin was kind enough to ZOOM the funeral, so we could virtually attend, but it was not the same. 

All this to say, I am leaning into the fearlessness of 2024 and booking a flight to Pittsburgh for my birthday weekend in May. 

This will be a short visit--- only three full days in the area. I'll mostly be with my Lake family--- people who are not relatives but, in many ways, more " family" than some of my blood kin. 

Covid, and the political scheme of this nation, have taught me who really is family. Real family members do not let things like partisanship ruin relationships. I've been on the receiving end of such no-contact from some people who I thought of as family and it hurt for a long time. Now I just quote my middle school student: " It's Whatev! "

I've never been a good air traveler. Even before COVID, I hated sharing recycled air with strangers for more than an hour. I'm also claustrophobic, so plane rides give me anxiety. Making connections in Atlanta has always been a crapshoot-- but I do seem to be luckier with a Charlotte connection. 

Then there is the issue of checking bags. Since I need more shampoo than a travel size, I must pay the airline more money for the privilege of stowing my suitcase below deck. 

Then there is the issue of my bionic spine... I set off the alarms every time that I pass through the metal detector. This means that I am subjected to a pat down from strangers. Neurodivergent people will understand how much this is slight torture from someone who detests strangers invading her personal space. 

Honestly, people... I could not hide a " piece" on my skinny body if I'd wanted to do so. Ther is no need to stare at my surgical scars to prove I am not carrying a weapon. 

All this to say is that I am embracing fearlessness and getting on that plane in May to see some of my people. Covid and " handsy" TSA agents be damned! I'm also not obligated to visit anyone, so I'll stick with the folks who have stuck with me! 


~Sarahbeth McCarren

Thursday, January 18, 2024

" Fearless" Prophet ?

                                           Little Sarabeth 1980's Myrtle Beach , SC

Recently, someone whom I love, respect, and trust said to me during one of our  conversations:

                                              "Sarahbeth, you are fearless. "

She is not wrong. I like to try new things, and I am always up for adventures. Oftentimes {in my youth} said adventures would land me in some sort of minor trouble. 

My bishop called me " a prophet". 

Again, he is not wrong. I've been known to boldly speak and act against injustices, while working towards causes that might benefit everyone. 

We all know what happen to prophets. They either die or are exiled from their home village. I do not want t o be a prophet. People think prophets are insane. 

Now, dear friends, I am afraid.

I am afraid for Florida's future. Normally I stay away from politics, but I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to state that the laws that the recent Florida legislature has passed and wants to pass are violations of human rights. 

I am afraid for the Black, Brown, Jewish, Muslim, and LGBTQ citizens of my state. 

There are new laws in Florida that restrict communication between teachers, , unpaid school volunteers {such as me}, and the K12 students we serve. 

I ardently worked to stop these laws from passing, appealing to people's sense of decency. It did not work, and it took an enormous amount of strength to finish the three days of text-banking. 

The student I mentor is an 8th grader in one of Florida's public schools. My student { we are not permitted to refer to them using personal pronouns} is of Asian descent. Under Florida law, if this young person shares with me instances of bullying due to race, I must tell the student that I am prohibited by Florida Law from discussing such matters. I then must refer the student to the school's guidance department. 

There are other restrictions, but the one regarding bullying and race could directly affect my student's well-being.

Here is an article from my local paper that outlines these bills, and the damage they do.

Here is another article about what Florida plans to do in 2024.

Y'all, this " Fearless Prophet" is afraid. I'm afraid for both Florida's present and her future. 

I'm afraid because all I can do is speak out against the injustices that are being legislated in the name of all people of Florida. 

I fear for the state in which my student will spend some formative teenage years. 

Most of all, I am afraid that no one else gives a damn.

