Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thoughts on Social Media

                                      Reading is essential. I posted this because I've not a good photo illustration for this topic. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

I have a friend who hates social media. She is convinced that the downfall of society as we know it can be blamed on social media. 

I love social media. 

However, I tend to agree that this tool can be and is used inappropriately. 

People need to learn to keep their own inflammatory thoughts to their own page-- if they post these divisive, angry thoughts at all.  When people use platforms such as Facebook as a place to work out their deep issues, no one benefits. 

I have no trouble with different opinions, or strong feelings on topics that affect all of us. However, when someone posts inflammatory or abusive content on a public page, that not only looks bad on the original poster, but reflects poorly on the business or organization {and those people associated}to which the material was posted. 

Constructive criticism is good. However, Internet communication demands that we watch both our tone and word choice. The screens veil us from looking at another human face { or faces} and that provides a sense of false anonymity . It is my opinion that this sense of security-behind-a-screen leads some people to habitually misuse social media or use it without mindfulness. 

Honestly, I feel that a high school {or first-year college} course on Internet Communication might be helpful. 

Social media has brought humans closer-- especially during the worst of this pandemic. As we move towards a pre-pandemic life, it is my hope and prayer that I continue to be an example of mindful usage of social media. 

The end. 

Sarah McCarren


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