Friday, June 24, 2022

On " Roe" From A Proudly PRO-CHOICE Christian.

                                           Symbol of fight for reproductive rights. 


Today Roe Versus Wade was officially overturned. 

We knew this was on our horizon but knowing does not make the sting any easier. 

This hurts

The rights I enjoyed as a young woman of reproduction-age are no longer available to today's uterus-owners of child-bearing age. 

I'm not foolish enough to have taken the Roe opinion for granted, as I grew up in a deeply charismatic and conservative Catholic part of the USA. 

As I get today's news, I am sitting in a part of the nation where Evangelical Protestant is common. I'm a " liberal" {actually more on the left-of-center than totally left-wing} Christian who has been pro-choice my entire life. 

Let me say that again: I am a PRO-CHOICE CHRISTIAN  

 Before anyone calls me a " baby-killer" , let me assure you that I am no fan of the idea of abortion. As a matter of fact, had I faced an unwanted pregnancy in my younger years, I would have carried the fetus full-term {providing that doing so would not kill me} Adoption is a wonderful thing, and so many families desire and deserve children. I wanted to be a mother myself, but it was not part of the plan for my life. 

However, I'll go to my grave saying that anyone who finds themself pregnant and unwilling to parent should have the right to choose to terminate the pregnancy.   Before today, there were laws in place in most states that prohibited the termination of a late-stage pregnancy-- one where the fetus stood a chance of surviving outside the womb. Personhood begins when a fetus exits the womb. In these United States, a person isn't " legal" until the government issues the new baby a Social Security number. 

That's right " small government" fans, we are not " people" until Big Government assigns us a National Identification Number. 

A fetus in its mother's womb is totally dependent on its host. 

A uterus-owner, one wo is at least 18 years old, is able to determine what they want/ need for their own life. This living, breathing-on-their-own person is a sovereign being. No one else's religious dogma should prevent this person from control over their reproductive health. As a Christian, I am tired of others who share my faith weaponizing parts of Holy Scriptures to force laws that oppress people. 

I fear that the overturn of Roe is just the beginning of a BIG sweep of human rights.  Jesus sided with the poor, the marginalized, and those whom the religious majority of His time deemed " unworthy". As His followers, we should follow His example and look to help others secure and keep rights. 

For the sake of my little niece, I'll continue this fight. My descendants fought for me, now it is my turn to ensure human rights for everyone. 

Abortion is healthcare, and healthcare is a human right.  

~Sarah McCarren


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