Saturday, June 25, 2022


                                            Our nation, and our society is in deep trouble. 

 I am NOT celebrating " Independence Day" this July 4th. 

There is nothing to celebrate. 

The SCOTUS just ripped a woman {or others who own a uterus} of our basic right to body autonomy. It seems like our state and national governments would rather allow unqualified people to buy and carry deadly weapons while FORCING PEOPLE TO CARRY A PREGNACY TO TERM. 

Protected carry and FORCED carry are the law of the land in these so-called " United States". 

Now marriage rights for LGBTQ+ persons and inter-racial couples are next for this kangaroo court. 


I dissent. 

Time for a peaceful but loud message to the world from me. 

I will quietly turn my back on the Flag when our National Anthem is played. 

Go ahead: call me names. For five years, I watched, prayed, wrote letters, campaigned and gave what money I can afford to people and causes that worked to make this nation safe and secure for everyone. All I've gotten for my hard work is more heartache in more gun tragedies and the slow stripping away of basic human rights for myself and others. 

I vote in every damn election, as I have done since I turned 18 years old years ago. I will never stop voting, as I know this is a right that many {including my spouse, Brian} fought to maintain. Although I am not certain that voting as I vote is effective in Florida's First Congressional district, I'll continue to show up every election

 Sadly others would rather see a misogynist playboy representing Florida's First Congressional district than a well-qualified pediatrician with common-sense solutions that could have been good for all of us. A Democrat who is also a woman-of-color could not beat the rich, White, playboy in this district. 

The people have spoken. However, they have not spoken for me and many others. 

Enough is enough. 

On Thursday I sat in horror as I read about my siblings-in-faith suffering through a shooting in their parish hall. The governor of the State of Alabama, " Mee-maw" Ivey called for " prayers" while not saying anything about how she would push for safer firearms laws that can save lives. 

I'm standing with my Lutheran siblings here: Faith {and prayers} without works is dead. 

People nationwide care more about their ' rights" to buy and carry deadly weapons to church than about working to make sure that the rights of many are protected. The money is with the National Rifle Association, and the mentality associated with them is one of one angry, White ' Murikkkan who is willing to let children and women die-- as long as they can buy their precious big guns and ammunition. 

I'm not a huge fan of country music, but I'll admit that I like the lyrics of many of the songs by The Chicks.  Here is one that fits my mood:

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go 'round and 'round and 'round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should"

I'm through trying to catch more flies with honey. 

This nation is in serious trouble since now people will be forced to birth children and then send them off to schools or churches that could be the site of the tragedy-of-the-day. 

I dissent. Furthermore, I will fight like hell to right these wrongs. 

~Sarah McCarren



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