Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Redefining " Family" Post-Roe

                                         Group photo of me with some of my " sisters" "aunties", and " moms" at a parish Women's Retreat. Each one of these women is an individual-- and many ideological views are represented here. But I know we love and accept each other #Unconditionally, because that is how families work. 

  Post-Roe reversal, I find myself at a crossroads. 

 In times past, I've done my best to stay away from politics on social media. Yet the overturn of Roe v Wade and the following reversal of prayer in public places {such as schools and school property} made me realize that I cannot-- as a person of integrity and as an American keep silent. I've been careful to not use any political party names or elected officials/ candidates on my posts, but am utilizing my RIGHT to free speech {as far as I know-- we still are granted that right} 

One of my Education for Ministry classmates said years ago: Prophets are a pain in the ass. 

Prophets in Old Testament times suffered for calling out bullshit. 

Those of us who call out modern injustices also suffer. 

They think we are " crazy un-Christian baby-k*llers" who want a " God-less" society. 

Nothing can be farther from the truth.  Faith in Christ and a loving God-the- Parent compels many of us to look out for the interests of all people. 

 Jesus Himself compelled His early followers to Look out for the least of these.  

I do my best to live that commandment. 

Whether we like it or not-- politics ARE part of faith. It is true that separation of church and state precludes us {with common sense} to keep partisanship out of the pews and pulpit. However, our Savior and teacher was political. he looked after orphans and widows. He tells the parable of the Good Samaritan-- illustrating how we should behave towards those in need-- including needy people who are not of our ideals. 

Love is messy. 

I am grateful that God put me around people wiser than me, who have diverse experiences with finding the grace to totally forgive people who shit on their rose gardens. These are the examples taht I will look to in the coming months and years. People wo cannot even deal with diverse opinions on social media are weak and probably should not be on social media. In my opinion, they should stay in their own simple bubble. 

Moreover, I am also grateful for the Christ-followers in my life who-- do not share my views on much of anything and still can see me as a beloved sister-in-Christ.  Other people I know cannot see past my views that scare them-- and for these lost relationships I will weep. They are worthy of my love because they too feel they are following Christ. I need to keep reminding myself that I cannot control their behavior-- but I can control my response. 

To be frank: I'm hurt and angry right now. I'm hurt because I love them regardless of our disagreements over Roe  and other topics. I'm angry because some of these people can't love me as God created me-- as that pain-in-the ass prophet. 


~Sarah McCarren

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