Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Redefining " Family" Post-Roe

                                         Group photo of me with some of my " sisters" "aunties", and " moms" at a parish Women's Retreat. Each one of these women is an individual-- and many ideological views are represented here. But I know we love and accept each other #Unconditionally, because that is how families work. 

  Post-Roe reversal, I find myself at a crossroads. 

 In times past, I've done my best to stay away from politics on social media. Yet the overturn of Roe v Wade and the following reversal of prayer in public places {such as schools and school property} made me realize that I cannot-- as a person of integrity and as an American keep silent. I've been careful to not use any political party names or elected officials/ candidates on my posts, but am utilizing my RIGHT to free speech {as far as I know-- we still are granted that right} 

One of my Education for Ministry classmates said years ago: Prophets are a pain in the ass. 

Prophets in Old Testament times suffered for calling out bullshit. 

Those of us who call out modern injustices also suffer. 

They think we are " crazy un-Christian baby-k*llers" who want a " God-less" society. 

Nothing can be farther from the truth.  Faith in Christ and a loving God-the- Parent compels many of us to look out for the interests of all people. 

 Jesus Himself compelled His early followers to Look out for the least of these.  

I do my best to live that commandment. 

Whether we like it or not-- politics ARE part of faith. It is true that separation of church and state precludes us {with common sense} to keep partisanship out of the pews and pulpit. However, our Savior and teacher was political. he looked after orphans and widows. He tells the parable of the Good Samaritan-- illustrating how we should behave towards those in need-- including needy people who are not of our ideals. 

Love is messy. 

I am grateful that God put me around people wiser than me, who have diverse experiences with finding the grace to totally forgive people who shit on their rose gardens. These are the examples taht I will look to in the coming months and years. People wo cannot even deal with diverse opinions on social media are weak and probably should not be on social media. In my opinion, they should stay in their own simple bubble. 

Moreover, I am also grateful for the Christ-followers in my life who-- do not share my views on much of anything and still can see me as a beloved sister-in-Christ.  Other people I know cannot see past my views that scare them-- and for these lost relationships I will weep. They are worthy of my love because they too feel they are following Christ. I need to keep reminding myself that I cannot control their behavior-- but I can control my response. 

To be frank: I'm hurt and angry right now. I'm hurt because I love them regardless of our disagreements over Roe  and other topics. I'm angry because some of these people can't love me as God created me-- as that pain-in-the ass prophet. 


~Sarah McCarren

Saturday, June 25, 2022


                                            Our nation, and our society is in deep trouble. 

 I am NOT celebrating " Independence Day" this July 4th. 

There is nothing to celebrate. 

The SCOTUS just ripped a woman {or others who own a uterus} of our basic right to body autonomy. It seems like our state and national governments would rather allow unqualified people to buy and carry deadly weapons while FORCING PEOPLE TO CARRY A PREGNACY TO TERM. 

Protected carry and FORCED carry are the law of the land in these so-called " United States". 

Now marriage rights for LGBTQ+ persons and inter-racial couples are next for this kangaroo court. 


I dissent. 

Time for a peaceful but loud message to the world from me. 

I will quietly turn my back on the Flag when our National Anthem is played. 

Go ahead: call me names. For five years, I watched, prayed, wrote letters, campaigned and gave what money I can afford to people and causes that worked to make this nation safe and secure for everyone. All I've gotten for my hard work is more heartache in more gun tragedies and the slow stripping away of basic human rights for myself and others. 

I vote in every damn election, as I have done since I turned 18 years old years ago. I will never stop voting, as I know this is a right that many {including my spouse, Brian} fought to maintain. Although I am not certain that voting as I vote is effective in Florida's First Congressional district, I'll continue to show up every election

 Sadly others would rather see a misogynist playboy representing Florida's First Congressional district than a well-qualified pediatrician with common-sense solutions that could have been good for all of us. A Democrat who is also a woman-of-color could not beat the rich, White, playboy in this district. 

The people have spoken. However, they have not spoken for me and many others. 

Enough is enough. 

On Thursday I sat in horror as I read about my siblings-in-faith suffering through a shooting in their parish hall. The governor of the State of Alabama, " Mee-maw" Ivey called for " prayers" while not saying anything about how she would push for safer firearms laws that can save lives. 

I'm standing with my Lutheran siblings here: Faith {and prayers} without works is dead. 

People nationwide care more about their ' rights" to buy and carry deadly weapons to church than about working to make sure that the rights of many are protected. The money is with the National Rifle Association, and the mentality associated with them is one of one angry, White ' Murikkkan who is willing to let children and women die-- as long as they can buy their precious big guns and ammunition. 

I'm not a huge fan of country music, but I'll admit that I like the lyrics of many of the songs by The Chicks.  Here is one that fits my mood:

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go 'round and 'round and 'round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should"

I'm through trying to catch more flies with honey. 

This nation is in serious trouble since now people will be forced to birth children and then send them off to schools or churches that could be the site of the tragedy-of-the-day. 

I dissent. Furthermore, I will fight like hell to right these wrongs. 

~Sarah McCarren



Friday, June 24, 2022

On " Roe" From A Proudly PRO-CHOICE Christian.

                                           Symbol of fight for reproductive rights. 


Today Roe Versus Wade was officially overturned. 

We knew this was on our horizon but knowing does not make the sting any easier. 

This hurts

The rights I enjoyed as a young woman of reproduction-age are no longer available to today's uterus-owners of child-bearing age. 

I'm not foolish enough to have taken the Roe opinion for granted, as I grew up in a deeply charismatic and conservative Catholic part of the USA. 

As I get today's news, I am sitting in a part of the nation where Evangelical Protestant is common. I'm a " liberal" {actually more on the left-of-center than totally left-wing} Christian who has been pro-choice my entire life. 

Let me say that again: I am a PRO-CHOICE CHRISTIAN  

 Before anyone calls me a " baby-killer" , let me assure you that I am no fan of the idea of abortion. As a matter of fact, had I faced an unwanted pregnancy in my younger years, I would have carried the fetus full-term {providing that doing so would not kill me} Adoption is a wonderful thing, and so many families desire and deserve children. I wanted to be a mother myself, but it was not part of the plan for my life. 

However, I'll go to my grave saying that anyone who finds themself pregnant and unwilling to parent should have the right to choose to terminate the pregnancy.   Before today, there were laws in place in most states that prohibited the termination of a late-stage pregnancy-- one where the fetus stood a chance of surviving outside the womb. Personhood begins when a fetus exits the womb. In these United States, a person isn't " legal" until the government issues the new baby a Social Security number. 

That's right " small government" fans, we are not " people" until Big Government assigns us a National Identification Number. 

A fetus in its mother's womb is totally dependent on its host. 

A uterus-owner, one wo is at least 18 years old, is able to determine what they want/ need for their own life. This living, breathing-on-their-own person is a sovereign being. No one else's religious dogma should prevent this person from control over their reproductive health. As a Christian, I am tired of others who share my faith weaponizing parts of Holy Scriptures to force laws that oppress people. 

I fear that the overturn of Roe is just the beginning of a BIG sweep of human rights.  Jesus sided with the poor, the marginalized, and those whom the religious majority of His time deemed " unworthy". As His followers, we should follow His example and look to help others secure and keep rights. 

For the sake of my little niece, I'll continue this fight. My descendants fought for me, now it is my turn to ensure human rights for everyone. 

Abortion is healthcare, and healthcare is a human right.  

~Sarah McCarren


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thoughts on Social Media

                                      Reading is essential. I posted this because I've not a good photo illustration for this topic. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

I have a friend who hates social media. She is convinced that the downfall of society as we know it can be blamed on social media. 

I love social media. 

However, I tend to agree that this tool can be and is used inappropriately. 

People need to learn to keep their own inflammatory thoughts to their own page-- if they post these divisive, angry thoughts at all.  When people use platforms such as Facebook as a place to work out their deep issues, no one benefits. 

I have no trouble with different opinions, or strong feelings on topics that affect all of us. However, when someone posts inflammatory or abusive content on a public page, that not only looks bad on the original poster, but reflects poorly on the business or organization {and those people associated}to which the material was posted. 

Constructive criticism is good. However, Internet communication demands that we watch both our tone and word choice. The screens veil us from looking at another human face { or faces} and that provides a sense of false anonymity . It is my opinion that this sense of security-behind-a-screen leads some people to habitually misuse social media or use it without mindfulness. 

Honestly, I feel that a high school {or first-year college} course on Internet Communication might be helpful. 

Social media has brought humans closer-- especially during the worst of this pandemic. As we move towards a pre-pandemic life, it is my hope and prayer that I continue to be an example of mindful usage of social media. 

The end. 

Sarah McCarren


Friday, June 17, 2022

When words fail #Birmingham


Brian and I came home from a wonderful evening out. I turned on my computer to check Facebook once before getting ready to retire for the night and the horrible news struck me 

 A shooting at an Episcopal church located outside of Birmingham, Alabama left one person dead, and two others seriously wounded. 

Suffice it to say, I did not sleep at all last evening. 

I'm sad. But my sadness is overcome by ANGER. I saw the Alabama Governor's plea for " prayers" for the people of St Stephen's Episcopal parish & the surrounding community-- and I am indignant. Alabama-- like the rest of this wretched nation-- needs prayers to be backed by ACTION. 

Friends, I do all the ' things" I write letters, attend public protests, give money and time to candidates who believe in gun reform {note I said gun REFORM--- not gun control} Yet in spite of the efforts of myself and others like me-- more guns are killing more people in places that are supposed to be safe havens--- schools and places of worship. 

Poet/Singer Ani DiFranco says it best: 

What is it about Birmingham?
What is it about buffalo?
Did the hate filled wanna build bunkers
In your beautiful red earth
They want to build them
In our shiny white snow
Now I've drawn closed the curtain
In this little booth where the truth has no place to stand
And I am feeling oh so powerless
In this stupid booth with this useless
Little lever in my hand
And outside my city is bracing
For the next killing thing
Standing by the bridge and praying
For the next doctor
Martin Luther King
~ A. DiFranco " Hello , Birmingham

I am frightened for my own community of Pensacola-- and especially the schools and worshipping communities in this wonderful yet undeniably broken city. 

As an Episcopalian, this recent act of violence tears at my soul more than other ones in 2022. The diocese is located just north of Pensacola {the upper two-thirds of Alabama} . This attack is literally " too close for comfort". My bishop was the rector of that parish before we elected him , and he is intimately familiar with this St Stephen's  community. 

They are his people. 

By virtue of my baptism and confirmation, they are also my people. 

 Additionally, my own faith community is re-vamping our Sunday morning security--- as ushers Brian and I are aware of the new policies that will hopefully keep our people safe from a dangerous intruder. Let's face it, good people, the best made security plans might not stop a tragedy. 

Reforming weapons access is a start-- but it isn't the only solution. Hearts and minds need to be changed in order for this deadly pandemic of violence to end.  High powered machine guns and the huge ammo magazines cannot kill by their own accord.  People choose to commit mass murder, so passing anti-discrimination laws and EDUCATING each other about the beautiful diversity of humanity is also necessary to end the mass murders. 

Laws only work when people understand  that their " needs" DO NOT preclude the safety and health of the entire community. Sadly, I am certain that I know people who-- if the unthinkable were to happen in my own faith family-- would still choose guns over saving lives. It is true that guns alone are not the whole problem with mass shootings, but people's unrestricted access to these dangerous machines  IS fueling the problem. 

I'm tired, y'all--- I am so damn tired. 

Kyrie elesion....

~Sarah McCarren 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022




 I OWN NOTHING,  but my love for Benson & Stabler  Credit to Dick Wolf & team

Olivia’s POV.


 I love you



Against my better judgement,

you were married-

from a distance –

for thirteen years


I loved you.


Ten years ago, you disappeared

No call, no note—no explanation.

I waited

and waited some more

moving on

but always loving you



Like wildfire, you returned

burning me with your intensity

Seeking answers

chasing ghosts

wanting retribution.

All through your pain

I still love you


You want to make things right –

after ten years’ hiatus

never inquiring about me

and what I endured.

Wanting to start over

pretend nothing happened

Everything has changed

we are older and wiser



I still love you—

and always will



