Monday, May 9, 2022

Do That Thing


                                            Me with the nephew and niece last Summer. Beech Mountain, NC. Photo by Brian 

    My priest, Susan+, who is on sabbatical this summer { May 1 til August 1} wrote some wise words in our parish newsletter-- giving voice to a prayer/ hope that I have been pondering . After two long years of Life In A Pandemic, we are all tired. Most of us are not afforded a total sabbatical, but we can , as my rector advised , make plans  to JUST BE. 

   "I invite you to find balance and rhythm by serving in a ministry, but also to set aside time to do that thing that fills you.{ What IS that thing?}"   ~ the Reverend Colonel Susan . 

  Its been a rough couple of years, and we are just NOW really seeing the end of this messy, long COVID tunnel.  

  During my parish's Womens' Retreat, I was intentional about taking a break from scrolling social media and looking at news. I popped online ONLY to post photos from the retreat. 

  That weekend, I'd discovered that the intentional time away from the screen allowed me to be fully present with the sacred sisterhood assembled at Beckwith Camp & Retreat Center. I discovered that the intentional rest from all media { not just social} settled my heart and re-filled my soul.  For two days, I was only focused on real community with the Divine Three-in-One and my sisters there present. 

  We have a trip planned in June to see some family members in the Western North Carolina mountains. With COVID less of a threat, my plan for this week away with Brian and our extended McCarren family members is to " unplug"  as I did during the retreat-- to focus on spending time in that beautiful part of Creation and on the companionship with those there. Brian and I have  several day hikes planned, and we are also hoping to make a day trip to Asheville and see a friend who lives in Hendersonville. 

 What does " Doing that thing" look like for me this summer back home in Pensacola?  We look forward to spending time with the niece and nephew when they come for a longer stay at my parents' house in Navarre. Brian and I plan to spend mornings kayaking the beautiful waters of Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound. He will also spend time fishing, so I'll take a book and some sunscreen and commune with nonhuman neighbors on the beach. 

 I also plan to take up some basketball skills-honing. I'd discovered from working with an athletic pre-K student this past school year that the simple act of ball skills on a court -- or even a driveway-- " centers" me. As that basketball and I move together, my mind sets itself free. Call it: Sarah's Zen and the Art of Basketball. Dribbling a basketball and attempting foul shots and lay-up shots energizes my body and feeds my soul. 

 I also plan to read more real books. Currently I am reading two novels. 

 Enough about ME, how might you " do that thing" this summer? 

 In the Name of the Three-In-One...


Sarah McCarren

9 May 2022. 

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