Sunday, May 1, 2022

After a Social Media " Mini-fast".

                                 Rainbow over Weeks Bay in Alabama. In the spirit of retreat, I took a " mini-fast" from social media & news: Opening my phone to ONLY post updated photos for memory-preserving. Photo By The Pensacola Hippie 

Today I returned home after a WONDERFUL weekend in beautiful bayside Beckwith Camp and Conference Center in coastal Alabama. 

In the spirit of TOTALLY being present with Creator God and the other women attending the retreat, I took a short break from social media and news outlets. For many reasons, the 2022 Womens' Retreat would be a holy, healing time & I did not need any distractions from my phone. To prepare for my brief fast, I uninstalled all social media apps from my phone. Upon my return home today, I only reinstalled Instagram. I discovered tat Facebook Messenger was a distraction that I no longer need nor want in my life. I'm keeping Messenger on my laptop ONLY--allowing me to be more present ** and** share photos of life's joys. 

For the most part, I am a huge fan of social media. Yet after two years of living " behind a screen" and wearing masks around people I know and love, I sought a way to remove a barrier to being FULLY PRESENT with Adonai and the beloved people around me . 

                                Me with my small group. Photo by Jennifer B. 

I enjoy social media.  Yet I know that most Americans-- including me-- over-use social media.  There were some wonderful moments this weekend that are too sacred to share--- moments that will stay etched on my soul. 

Regarding " news", I am very careful with what I consume. During the worst of the pandemic, I was forced to consume every detail about the new virus-- and it poisoned my soul. Thankfully, I am married to someone who is a news hound, and he knows to share with me only what I must know as a responsible citizen. To be away from the 24-hour news cycle was balm for my soul. In order to keep this fast, I made a point of not asking Brian what is happening around the nation and in the world -- I am fortunate enough to have a spouse who understands that when I say I need a break-- I need a BREAK. 

I'm glad I had this sacred time away-- and with no distraction. 

Happy Easter/Beltane, friends. 


Sarah Elizabeth McCarren
1 May 2022

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