Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Writer on Writing Crap

                                          Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

  Part of my summer of " sabbath" will include some serious writing. I've a short novel in my head that has been itching to emerge, and my characters are revealing themselves to me. 

  My stories stay in my brain. Those prose pieces lucky enough to see some daylight usually suffocate either in a pen-and paper notebook or {most-likely} get lost forever in my computer's hard drive. 

  The problem is every writer knows that the first draft will be-- crap. It's a fact of a writer's life: nothing worthwhile emerges from a first draft. I learned this reality back in my Creative Writing class years ago {during my first three years of college at West Liberty} 

 Nearly one quarter century later and I still hate first drafts. I hate them so much that I have not finished any prose in close to 20 years. As I've grown as a person, my creative nonfiction work has improved.  

 Let us be honest, sharing true stories is a hell of a lot easier than baring our souls via our fiction. Writing fiction involves a vulnerability that is scary, because we all know that most fiction is based on a at least a grain of truth in the life of its creator. 

  I don't like "crap". I pour my heart and soul into fiction, knowing full well that I'll hate it as I write it. Since I do not wish to have anyone lay eyes on my " crap" I shelve the pieces and they eventually go to Prose Purgatory. They are not worthy of coming into full fruition. 

 Technology does not help: On my new Windows 11 laptop I struggle with finding the " crap" stored somewhere in the hallowed halls of the hard drive.  Voice- activated word-processing software is not accurate, cumbersome and expensive. 

Writing involves cuss words, sweat, and tears. It is not for weak people. 

Writers and other storytellers are essential to an evolved society.  Modern day prophets speak hard truths through poetry and prose. Good fiction can show people more truth about society than any news writer can ever hope to achieve. 

Fiction writing can bring joy, both to the creator and the readers. However, firs we writers need to get over our fear of vulnerability & making " crap". 


Sarah McCarren

11 May 2022

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