Friday, June 4, 2021

Overcoming pandemic-related shyness


                                        Nature, and my faith { and faith community} has sustained me and continued to help me through the tail end of Weird Pandemic Life & Recovery . Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

  Happy June! It is hard to believe that 2021 is half over.  I've dubbed this summer as The Summer of Recovery". Everyone I know who will get the COVID vaccination has done so or is making plans to get it done. I can't waste brainpower or emotional energy of people whom I know who remain anti-vaxx. Life is too short. 

The Three Mile Bridge across Pensacola Bay, whose closure do to stupidity of humans, has isolated the entire Gulf Breeze peninsula-- has re-opened. There are only two lanes open to traffic right now, but the speeding is under control on BOTH ends of the bridge. Brian and I are looking to kayak soon at Shoerline Park over in Gulf Breeze. 

 Brian and I took a trip { driving} to Savannah for a nice getaway. We ate at restaurants and spent some time indoors & nothing tragic happened. As a matter of fact, the spouse and I totally enjoyed exploring one of the nation's oldest cities! 

But after months of restrictions, it is weird to venture into a more " normal life" . For instance, I feel much safer wearing masks in big crowds. Brian and I went to the pier with Dad and the littles yesterday. It was a lovely time with family--- showing the nephew and niece all the sea life that makes their homes in the Gulf. I noticed that I reverted back to Shy Sarah behavior-- purposely keeping as much distance as possible between myself and all the people I did not know. I even make a point of avoiding eye contact with those on the pier who are not known to me. 

It is sad, but Pandemic Life has made me revert back to my old, shy self. 

After all that has happened-- both with the Pandemic and the events of 2020 that lead up to the attempted coup on January 6-- I just cannot feel safe in crowds of strangers. Understanding the political leanings of most of Northwest Florida has me wary of big crowds. 

Damn, I hate returning to Shy Sarah. 

~Sarah McCarren

4 June 2021

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