Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Those Three Words: A Law & Order: SVU Fan Fiction


                                                      Those Three Words

                                    { I own NONE of the characters or story canon }

                                                    By: The Pensacola Hippie

The buzzing of a cell phone woke Olivia Benson from a fitful slumber.

Rolling over, she glanced at the phone’s face.  Stabler .

“ Shit! “

 She silenced the phone and groaned. It has been a hell of a night. Kathleen and Maureen, Eliot’s two oldest children , has asked her to be present at a scheduled intervention  after their father had been in a car accident with their youngest brother. Both Stabler and Eli sustained only minor injuries, but the two oldest children were worried.

Liv told Maureen earlier that she doubts her presence at the intervention would make Eliot listen.  After all, he had told her to back off. When she told his daughter as much, she replied. “ But you are the only one who can talk sense into Dad. He needs you. We need you. “

The phone buzzed again.  Stabler’s name popped up and again Liv did not take the call.

Olivia sat up and rubbed her hands through her messy brown hair.

Eliot, tell us what you need.”

“ I love you…”

He’s said the words she had longed to hear throughout their long partnership. She loved him, but she knew his loyalty was to Kathy and the children.

She flipped on the nightstand lamp and saw that a voicemail was waiting .

“ Damn you Stabler. “ she said

Carefully she held the phone in her right hand   as she felt her eyes moisten.

You mean the world to me, Liv. Now back off. “

He did not want her help with whatever demons lurked in his head.

There was a time when she could read him—that he could not  keep secrets from her. But that was ten years ago.

She traced her phone with a finger.

“ Damnit, El, I barely know you now.

 Yet she DID know him. She  understood the pain in his eyes that showed how much he missed Kathy.

I love you… I love ALL of you. “ he amended after an awkward silence.

She shook her head. Did he really expect her to expose her heart to him in front of all his children?  As much as her heart wanted to rush into his arms, she refused to add more trauma for his grieving children. Also, she felt wary about totally opening  her personal life to him—she and Noah existed together as a happy little family unit. She didn’t want Eliot Stabler to mess up her life by leaving both her and her son.

She did not want Eliot Stabler--- not after his sudden departure and radio silence ten years ago.

Eliot’s not coming back, Liv. Let him go. “  Cragan had  said.

Carefully , she picked up a framed photo that sat on her nightstand. It was an old photo of Stabler & her, taken when they worked undercover at the swingers’ club. This one photo was her reminder of what she lost when Stabler left. She’d rescued it from the garbage pile after Cragan insisted that she clean out Stabler’s squad room desk.

Did she want Eliot Stabler? Hell no. She—of all people—knows how toxic he can become. She needed Eliot Stabler. Kathy’s deathbed observation was correct: the two of them are connected in a powerful, metaphysical way that in inexplicable. He’s the other half of her soul.

She needed him, and she loved him.

Yet she felt a lot of anger towards him—anger mixed with a deep love. On an intellectual “ head” level, she understood why Eliot felt he had to make a sudden departure from the unit.  What hurts the most was that he left without even a goodbye hug.

She loved him, but needs time to trust him again. She needed him to work through his grief over Kathy and agree to some therapy. She deserves Eliot Stabler at his best—not the shell of a person that he’s been since Kathy’s murder.

She unlocked her phone and texted her former partner.

El. I love you too. But right now… I can’t. You understand. Get some help, please. What about your children? What about ME?


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