Wednesday, April 21, 2021

As Madonna says: " Express Yourself"

                                       Self-portrait of the author with her wild, curly, reddish-blonde hair and PURPLE temporary highlights. 

    Much to the chagrin of both my hairdresser and my spouse, I decided to adorn my crazy , curly, shoulder length  blonde-reddish hair with purple highlights. 

   Don't worry, its temporary hair dye. 

   Anyone who knows me is aware of my fondness for the color purple. My Mom will even say that I've " taken to" all shades of purple since my toddler days. 

   Purple, in ancient times, was known as a color meant for rich people & royalty. Apparently procuring purple dye was hard work  in pre-industrial societies. 

  Since I am a nerd, I did some Google research on my favorite color. Here is what I discovered: 

   Positive associations of purple: 

"Purple is cheerful–whimsical and playful. It’s associated with an escape from reality and magical images. Purple is often a statement of independence as it’s not abasic, primary color, and it’s often a sign of fusing the mundane with the innovative. Purple is also associated with bravery,"

Sounds pretty good , hunh? Well, my favorite color also has some negative traits: 

As purple lives balanced between red and blue, it can be seen as an unstable, non-traditional color. Notions of royalty and ceremony can be off-putting to more democratic sensibilities, and purple can convey feelings of arrogance and condescension"

Yup. For better and for worse, I relate to purple.

After the year we've had of COVID-- and as we SLOWLY start to live full communal lives again, I will be mindful that life is short. If I want purple in my hair, I will have purple in my hair! 


~Sarah McCarren

21 April 2021

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