Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Liv's Letter: An SVU Fan Fiction Sequel to Piece of Paper


                                            Chris Meloni " Stabler" on Law & Order : SVU 

                                          Liv’s Reply: An SVU Fan Fiction

                                              By: The Pensacola Hippie


Olivia Benson sat at her small dinette . Noah had just gone to bed, and Liv decided that tonight was the night that she would respond to Eliot’s letter. It has been a week since she opened the letter he wrote to her, her and much has changed. Kathy, his wife, is dead and Eliot is working on something that he refuses to discuss with her. As a matter of fact, he’d asked her to “ back off”.

That stung. They’d always shared everything and now her former partner will not even let her know anything about his job here in New York.

 Lived put a smooth sheet of yellow paper on the table and uncapped an ink pen. Tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear and donning a pair of black reading glasses, she began to write.

Dear Eliot…

I read your letter. In light of all that has happened since you originally penned that letter to me, I am finding words fail me.

As I said before. YOU were the most important person to me, and one day Cragan tells me that you quit. Did Fin tell you that Cragan made me clean out your old squad room desk? “ Eliot’s not coming back, Liv” is what he said.

Now you’re back, and I won’t deny that I’ve missed you. When you left, I was partnered with another cop, Nick Amaro. He was good for me in ways that working with you was not ; I’d grown more confident in my role as a cop while Nick and I were partners.

That’s all Nick and I were to each other: Partners.

He was a great one, and always had my back. I could count on him to save my life. But I could not count on him to know how I like my coffee. Working undercover as a “ couple” with him was awkward.

I love you, Eliot. To be honest, I have always loved you. I kept our relationship platonic because I respected the fact that you love your family. I worked damn hard to assure Kathy that you and I were never sexually intimate , but she knew that we were closer than many married couples. She once told me that I know things about your life that she will never know and she’s correct. She understood our soul connection much more than we ever credited her—even when she was on that hospital bed she recognized our soul connection.

“ Look at the two of you, just like the old days. Always in synch”.

And that is why your leaving hurt me the most, Eliot. You could not, or would not, give me the courtesy of discussing your idea to retire. You. Just. Disappeared.

I moved on with my life after you left—not because I WANTED to, but because you left me with no choice. You were gone from my life, but I still had a job to do. I worked with other partners, and even dated some men.  However, the accomplishment of the past ten years which gives me the most joy is my son, Noah.

You are a parent, so you understand the parental urge to shield our children from heartbreak. My son has already been through more heartbreak than most adults I know—so I am VERY careful whom I let into his inner circle.

I don’t want Noah to learn to love you only to have you disappear from our lives.  I would LOVE for Noah to get to know Eli and your other children, but I need assurance that you are not a flight risk.

Can you promise me that, Eliot? Can you PROVE that you will not disappear again?  I love you, Eliot—and I always will. But that does not mean that I am ready for us to resume our close relationship—both of us have been through hell this past week. I know you are hurting at losing Kathy, too, and I don’t want to stand in the way of your grieving. Please, take time to grieve.

Eliot, we still have a lot to discuss. Why did you tell me to ‘ back off’ when I asked how you were feeling? Don’t bullshit me—I know there is something that you are keeping from me. I’m tired of the silence and secrets between us, Eliot.

We both need time to heal.

I love you, too.


Olivia put down her pen, folded the paper into thirds, and stuffed it into an envelope. Carefully she wrote Eliot’s name on the front of the envelope,  and vowed to drop it off in the lobby of his apartment building tomorrow.

She checked on Noah and went to her room, trying hard to not think about how right Eliot’s arms around her felt as she held him after the news of Kathy’s death,

Ten . Long. Years.


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