Thursday, April 15, 2021

Got my Second " Microchip" { really my COVID Vaccine }


                                          Photo of the group of AWESOME women at my church's 2018 Women's Retreat. The 2020 event was cancelled due to COVID but the 2021 event will be EPIC. ~Photo by Eleanor . 

  As of 3 pm Central Standard Time, I am fully-vaccinated. The experience at one of our Publix stores here in town was quick and easy-- I got in a bit early for my appointment.  I filled out the paperwork and then the pharmacy tech led me back into the vaccination area. I felt a bit of pressure-- no real pain-- as the needle entered my body. As I sat for the required post-shot fifteen minutes , I stared in awe at my " Freedom Card"-- my COVID Vaccination document. Since I do not drive, this is the single most important piece of paper in my life-- and I waited for over a year. 

  Its been a lousy 14 months. 

  We all know that Covid-Tide has been a shit show. I quick glance at my Facebook Memories every morning lately have been sad. At this time last year we had just finished A lonely Easter Day with computer screens and home Communion. Scientists were feverishly working on getting some sort of understanding of how this virus is transmitted, and all of us were on edge. Our nation's Commander-in-Chief at the time downplayed the risks of contacting COVID-19-- and turned public health into a partisan issue. 

 I'm grateful to medical science -- the minds behind these vaccines worked overtime to get some products that work to the most vulnerable Americans first. It was a long, frustrating wait-- and I am grateful that my turn finally came, due to a rare autoimmune condition that originally was NOT on Florida's list of " approved  conditions". 

  The only effects I felt from my first dose of Moderna was extreme fatigue. I've heard that the second dose can either knock someone on their butt for a couple of days or have mild side effects such as fatigue and a sore arm. I am ready for either scenario. 

  What I want to say to people I know and love who are against getting their vaccinations is this: Please do not fall into the trap of making saving lives a partisan issue." Vaccination is not only for your health, but for the health of people everywhere. Trust the scientific method--- medicine is an art and it takes many trials to get something right. You may not like him, but Dr Fauchi knows his stuff-- and he's served under Presidents of both political parties. 

 Please, if you are on the fence about vaccinations, remember that COVID19 is not partial. It attacks  " liberals and " conservatives" alike. It can severely harm, or even kill  otherwise healthy people. 

  For the sake of yourself and others, plan to roll up that sleeve. 


  ~ Sarah McCarren

   Easter 2 2021

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