Sunday, April 11, 2021

Just A Piece Of Paper: A law & Order : SVU Fan Fic



                                      JUST A PIECE OF PAPER: A _Law & Order: SVU_ Fan Fiction

                                                                    By  The Pensacola Hippie

Olivia sat on her couch an open can of beer next to her. Noah had gone to bed, and Liv , dressed in gray sweatpants, was wide awake. Her fingers gently caressed the long envelope that Eliot had given her earlier.

Sighing, she shook her head and got up to walk to the small kitchen in her New York City apartment.  Grabbing a butter knife from a drawer and walked back to the couch. Tucking up her legs under her , she carefully slit open the envelope and shook out its contents.

“ Ten years, Eliot. I didn’t hear from you in TEN LONG YEARS. “

She thought about Noah. Her son has asked her on several occasions who ‘ the sad man’ is and how he knows Olivia.

“ He used to work with Mommy a long time ago, “ she told Noah one morning as she was driving him to school.

 Donning her reading glasses, she picked up Eliot’s letter. After all, it was just a piece of paper, and after ten long years, words meant little to her when it came to Eliot Stabler.

Dear Liv…

I know you are pissed at me. Hell, I’m pissed at myself. I called Fin first, because I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me. And to be honest, I would not blame you if that is the case. Fin tells me that you’ve moved on: attaining the promotion of Captain and being a mom to your son, Noah. Fin says that you are a fair and honest boss, and he is proud of you.

I am too, Liv.

Regarding my leaving without saying goodbye, I knew that I had become a liability to you and to the unit. You know me better than anyone else—and I could not look at your face as I told you about my plans for early retirement. You know I love you, but I also love my family.  I left because they deserved to have a father/husband at home rather than prison. Back then I was a ticking time bomb.

Liv, let me be real here. I also left because I love you. As I said long ago, you and the job are sometimes the only two things in life that keeps me together, and I couldn’t bring you down. I knew then, and I am certain now, that you are where you need to be. Had I stayed, God only knows what might have happened that would bleed into your life.  I’m glad that my absence has allowed you to grow as a cop and as a human.

Kathy knows how I feel about you—and she tried to talk me into discussing my retirement plans with you. “ You are Olivia are two parts of the same soul. “ is what my wife told me “ Its wrong to just walk away from your partnership without a goodbye. “ But Liv, I could not come to you and tell you about my plans—because then I know I could never go through with it. Kathy is correct—we are two parts of the same soul—and I hurt you.

I love my family, Liv. But I also love you. From the day I first saw you in the squad room, I knew how special you are. You are the only person who calls me out on my macho bullshit.

I’m so sorry, Liv. I am so sorry for everything. I know you well enough to understand that you will not forgive me immediately, and I accept that fact. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I do hope that you’ve read this letter through and can find it in your heart to not hate me.

I love you.


Olivia through the letter on the floor and took a huge gulp of her beer.  Damn him! After all this time, she wanted him back in her life. But she thought of Noah. Olivia has been very careful with the people she chooses to bring into her son’s life—and she knew that letting Eliot Stabler back into her life would affect her son.

Turning out the light, she walked into her bedroom and closed the door. She cried until she fell asleep.


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