Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Story Behind the Blessing Ring

                                  The " Blessing Ring" that is quite a conversation piece. 

Let me talk about my " Blessing Ring".  

One of my DOK {The Order of The Daughters of The King} sisters told our chapter {parish group of DOK women} about her " Blessing Ring" and the meaning behind it. 

There is a small gift shop just east of Pensacola in unincorporated Gulf Breeze, Florida. It is called Magdalene's, and the profits from the sale of items in this shop help women who are coming out of human trafficking situations.  

Anyway, the " Blessing Rings" are one of the shop's most-asked-for-items, and the idea is to wear the ring until another woman blesses you with sharing a little about her life's journey. After she shares with you, the idea is to give her your ring to wear. When the time is correct, she will pass the ring to someone else. 

I bought my ring shortly after a friend shared a part of her story with me. I wear the ring daily on the ring finger of my right hand to remind me of the sacred bonds of trust that is the territory of genuine friendships between women. 

To be honest, I've always found making friends with men {boys when I was a child} than women. Women's ability to be catty and our tendencies to not include " odd girls" scare the crap out of me: when guys have a " what you see is what you get " attitude towards friendships. When I was still dating, men scared me. But men-as-friends {even now} seems much more natural for me. 

When I look at my Blessing Ring, I am reminded of the women in my life who are friends. Not mere acquaintances, but friends. It matters not how long I've known someone, but the level of trust I have with her {yes, two of my best gal pals from childhood are my " ride-or-die " gals, but they are the exception rather than the rule. My Blessing Ring reminds me that friendship is a two-way street: it requires something of me as well as from the other woman. 

As aside: I adore my DOK chapter: they've helped me reframe many of my poor experiences with women, and I love each of them dearly for who God made her to be. Th fact that we take vows to live in a very intentional community of women might help us trust each other more. 

It is hard to be human in these days: and it is even harder to be a woman or girl.  It is hard to be a woman who doesn't trust other women, but I hope that my new therapist will help me address this issue. 

Be a blessing, not a burden. I'll try to do the same. 

Trinity Sunday 2023

Sarah Beth McCarren 

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