Wednesday, June 14, 2023

As Fathers' Day Approaches....

                                                     My Dad and brother.. circa 1979-80? 

Fathers' Day is this weekend. 

I have a wonderful father, and I celebrate him daily.  Dan {" Dad" to my brother and me} does more for his family than anyone I know, and I've learned a lot about how to be a decent human from my dad. 

He's active in his community is engaged with what is happening in his community, is an avid reader and sports fan. 

I like to think that my best qualities are either inherited or learned from Dan. 

He is an amazing human, and I get to call him " Dad". 

I have an Earthly father with whom that Creator of The Universe blessed me. 

However, not everyone has the Dad I have. While I celebrate my own father this weekend, I also realize that this weekend might evoke negative emotions for a lot of people. 

Father's Day does not hold the same cultural " ooomph" that is found with Mothers' Day, but I realize that it can trigger sadness, pain, or anger in some people. 

Some had a dad like Dan, but he has died. 

I see you and honor your sadness. 

Many people's relationship with their father is strained. 

Your sorrow is valid. 

Some never knew their father's name. 

I'm sorry. 

Other people dealt with absent or abusive fathers or father figures. 

I'm sorry. You did not deserve that sort of treatment from a parent. 

This weekend, celebrate the fathers and father figures in your life.  But if you see on social media that someone really dislikes this day, please scroll on. If you must, ask them gently and without judgement, why they seem hostile towards Father's Day. Respect them if they choose to share, and don't pressure them in any way to share their story. 

In other words, don't be a jerk. 

Really, it is that simple. Be kind. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

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