Wednesday, June 7, 2023

#Carolina23 Day 1

                                           Me on the deck of our mountain " cabin"  Photo by Brian

We are here! 

After a long, arduous drive from my brother's house in Atlanta, Brian and I arrived safely at the Beech Mountain house. The drive here from Atlanta was easy, until we got to the foot of the mountain itself:  our directions to the cabin were not accurate and had us on the opposite side of the mountain. Thankfully we turned on the GPS, and it got us to the cabin.

It is beautiful here; everything is lush and green. As Brian and I drove north through Georgia and North Carolina yesterday, we saw a sharp difference from the flat Florida/ Alabama coastal topography where we live. On our drive up the mountain, we saw two deer. These magical creatures are plentiful on Beech Mountain. They know they are safe from hunters {Hunting is banned on the mountain} so are incredibly bold. 

My back was sore from all the sitting in the truck, so I treated myself to a soak i the hot tub on the deck before supper. The nerve root damage in my lower back makes long-term travel physically hard for me, but it is worth it to be here now. 

We did not do a whole lot yesterday but unpack and greet the others when they arrived from Pittsburgh and Atlanta.  It is wonderful to catch up with my favorite Pittsburgh relatives and spend quality time with the niece and nephew. 

I love the fact that it is cool enough here to wear jeans. I bought myself a souvenir hoodie sweatshirt with a zipper when we stopped at Blue Ridge Honey Company on our way north. Tey are a working apiary that has some of the best honey I've tasted. 

I am grateful for this time away. 

Peace, love and music.

Sarah Beth McCarren


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