Thursday, June 8, 2023

Low-Tech Time

                                                    Brian in downtown Boone, NC 

We are having a low-tech vacation, and I am LOVING IT! I've been dumping trip photos to Facebook, but so far, I've avoided endless scrolling. 

Recently I noticed how much I let what is said on social media affect my real life. 

Brian and I walked a lot. we dd not let the rainy day on Wednesday deter us from enjoying Grandfather Mountain. 

I'm started the habit of writing daily in a pen-and-paper journal. I do not worry about grammar and syntax, I just write. It feels damn good, too! I'd tried daily journalling, but the habit never stuck. Perhaps, as a writer, I worried too much on writing for other people , that I missed the point of a journal, to write for myself. 

I've done a lot of uke practice. So far, my family hasn't complained. {but the week is not over} I miss my piano, but it will be there when I return. 

I've enjoyed table time at supper with some of my Pennsylvania relatives and the Atlanta McCarrens. My nephew and niece are growing up fast, and they are so much fun. 

I've enjoyed the hot tub on the deck. 

Brian and I have seen countless deer each morning an evening. They somehow know that there is no hunting on this mountain, so they let people come really close. 

I'm totally disconnected from the news cycle, and I feel peace. No politics, and no Facebook drama from people whose opinions differ from mine. 

Tomorrow Brian and I are embarking on an all-day hiking adventure on Roan Mountain, located right on the NC/TN border. It is almost an hour's drive from Beech Mountain, but we've heard that the hike and the views are amazing. I am packing peanut butter and honey sandwiches in my backpack, along with water bottles. 

When I return home, I'll have a different policy when it comes to Facebook. 

Peace, love and music , y'all....

Sarah Beth McCarren 

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