Tuesday, January 14, 2020

#RedForEd Day of Activism in Tally

On January 13 2020, thousands of teachers, other school personnel, parents, students, professors and concerned citizens traveled by the busload to Tallahassee to stand in front of the Capitol building and rally for more funding for Florida's public schools.

I was there among them. My husband dropped me off early to catch a bus across Northwest Florida to Pensacola. Dressed in red, we peacefully marched towards the Old Capitol Building, carrying signs calling for more funding for Florida's public schools.

I was privileged to stand with Floridians from every corner of the state. People traveled by bus or carpool for hours to help the cause for funding public education. People of every race, age, sexuality, religion , gender and political leaning came together to support  Florida's public schools. It was a beautiful, rare showing of unity in these divisive times in which we live.

 Most of Florida's school-aged children attend public schools, and there is a teacher shortage.  In order to train and retain gifted educators, Florida's legislature needs to pass funding that supports the education of Florida's future generations.

 Our state is currently 47th in the US in teacher's pay. Fewer and fewer college students are majoring in education, and stress due to lack of resources, overcrowded classrooms , and increasing extra-curricular duties.  Some teachers in our state need to work another job to pay household bills and support staff { cafeteria workers, custodians, front office staff} are also payed shamefully low wages.

Florida's children deserve a quality, publicly- funded education. It is time for Florida's taxpayers to stand up and demand that our tax dollars be allotted for schools.  Call or write the state senators and representatives and let them know  that Florida needs to fund our future in 2020.

 This morning I am tired and drained of physical and emotional energy. nearly eight hours on a bus { to the Capitol and back home to Pensacola} is hard on my titanium-filled back and neck. Yet it was worth every minute to use my voice to let lawmakers know that Florida's children deserve a well-funded education.


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