Friday, January 17, 2020

Marching Moderate Middle

   On one day in January, I , along with other Pensacola-area people who otherwise are quiet around here, will peacefully assemble on the steps of City Hall and show solidarity and pledge to work for a better society for ALL persons.

  I'll march with other women { women of every type} and men who seek to preserve " liberty and justice for all"

 I love my nation. Because I love my nation, I want equality for all her people.

  I march because I want safe, well-funded public schools where children with heritage like my nephew and niece don't feel ashamed of their rich multicultural heritage.

  I march because, contrary to popular belief, if people with different ideas on solving pressing social issues of today talk together, we can meet in the middle.

  I'm not so much " far left" as I am " moderate middle" I think there is value in listening to others' experiences-- realizing that not all of us grew up in the same way. I understand about the need to protect our borders. To me, fiscal responsibility is essential. I want our tax dollars to go to government programs that are organized, proven to help people, and do not line pockets of corporate CEOS. 

  I march because as a White cisgender woman married to a man, I know I have privilege that many other Americans lack. Each day, I pledge to use that privilege to work towards equality for all.   Although I resent being called a " white feminist" by some who just see me as " a White woman" , I remain open to learning about the concerns of the Black , Latinx and Indigenous communities.

   Please don't judge me  I may take after my Celtic lily-White father's family, but I do my best to understand others' experiences. . Also, since I am half Ashkenazi Jewish in my gene pool, I might have my own stories of bigotry and oppression to add to the conversation.

   I march because every person deserves to live as they are created--  in support of transgender people everywhere.

  I march because I value religious freedom and hope some day to feel safe in church.  No one should feel unsafe in any house of worship-- and I fully support the right for every person to worship as they choose.

 I march because I am an American who loves her country enough to want to be in honest conversation with others about how to  live in unity in all our diversity.

Peace { some day}


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