Sunday, January 19, 2020

" Life Is A Team Sport..."A reflection on the meaning of life...

  My priest has this phrase as her tag line for e-mail.


She is someone who lives her life as a member of community, and shows me how I can be my best self by cultivating relationships with others. She teaches me that life is not meant to be a solo gig.


 These past few days, I've thought a lot about life , and how we humans are meant to live in community with one another.

  Early Thursday morning, my husband and I were awakened by a phone call from the Pensacola police. My brother-in-law was found dead in his bedroom--- apparently of natural causes. These past few days have been a hellish flurry of discovering what we need to do to put the deceased affairs to rest.

 My brother-in-law was a good man, but he preferred to keep to himself. Other than his colleagues, one good yet long-distance friend, and scattered nephews and nieces, BIL spent life alone.  Although my husband will tell anyone that he and his siblings were raised as " independent cusses" { his term, not mine}, I cannot help but feel sorry for people who choose to live isolated from others.

Over the course of the past ten years, I've learned how essential community is for healthy emotional and spiritual development. As I slide into middle age, I realize that memories made with loved ones are far more valuable.

Even the most introverted among us crave connections with other people.

 The reality is, when we die, we cannot take " stuff" to the grave . Furthermore, I am learning through this experience that even the most " alone" soul still will leave behind people who love them. It has been difficult to see what had been my BIL's life on Earth become reduced to paperwork and a houseful of " stuff".

I wish more people in Pensacola had a chance to know my brother-in-law. Yet I cannot beat myself up over his choices. I can only life my life in community with those nearest to me.

Each of us is given a finite amount of time to grace others with our lives. None of us are meant to exist in a social vacuum .

Life is, indeed a team sport.


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