Sunday, September 24, 2023

Humans are beautiful creatures

Born with this body type, height and bone structure. Photo by Brian 

Friends, it is time we talk about bodies. 

No, not that talk. 

Rather, we need to talk about how we judge each other based on our physical "packages."

Women, especially, are harmed by the ever-changing world of fashion and manufactured " beauty standards. 

For instance, I am tallish {5 feet 6 inches}, long-limbed and small-boned. My wrists and ankles are tiny. My legs are proportionately longer than my torso. 

While I definitely would not say I am a curvy woman, neither am I " built like a teenaged boy", as one woman casually and cruelly said to me when we were sitting around a campfire. My body is that of a woman-- regardless of my lack of curves. 

I am not a man, and a sure as hell am not built like a boy. 

My husband never complains about my figure, and my doctor says I am healthy { albeit a wee bit underweight, but that is for health concerns} 

This caustic remark by one woman hurt me deeply.  

I saw a Facebook post today that showed two cartoon women standing next to each other in bikinis. Thought bubbles above each head read " She's so beautiful". 

Friends, that is what we should say/think when we see someone.

She's so beautiful. 

He's so handsome. 

They are so attractive. 

Each of us is made in the imago Dei , or Image of God. 

God made each human like God made each plant or animal. 

During this Season of Creation, some of us prayerfully consider how we may better co-exist with all f Creation. Maybe now is a good time to also pause to see the diverse beauty that is evident of a creative, loving Creator in each human face and body we encounter. 

God made us, and we are lovely in God's Eyes. 

Look in the mirror, YOU, my friend, also are made in Imago Dei. 


Sarahbeth McCarren


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