Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Hi .. My name is Sarah Beth, and I am currently in therapy. 

I'll say that again. I am in therapy. 

To be honest, due to a lot of life occurrences, I've been in and out of talk therapy for a big portion of my life. I'm NOT ashamed to admit that I need professional help-- and I am of the opinion that no one should feel shame about seeking help. 

Life sucks sometimes, and there are trained people who can objectively give us tools with which to cope with life's suckitude. 

Sadly, I used to feel the stigma attached with getting professional help for coping with life. My parents used to pick me up from school for " a doctor's appointment that was really for my weekly visit with my analyst. 

Hush hush hush. 

Thankfully, in the 2020's most people are enlightened enough to understand that talk therapy really can be part of a comprehensive health-care plan for some people. 

Some people need therapy for a short time-- or for a specific issue. 

Others, like me, need some professional guidance on how to navigate a scary world of scary people who do not understand neurodiverse brains. Face it: people are complex and can be cruel and sometimes it helps to have that unattached ear and voice to help navigate being human in a soul-crushing would of humans. 

I've learned that not all therapists are a good " fit" for each client. My current analyst is amazing: I've only been working with her for a month, and I can see the benefits. However, my last therapist did not have the full set of tools to help me. I am sure he is a good guy who really does want to help people, but his skills and my needs did not align. 

Talk therapy is healthcare. 

Namaste, y'all...

Sarah Beth McCarren 

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