Wednesday, July 19, 2023


                              Butterflies, to me, are symbols of resurrection & transformation. Photo by Sarah Beth. 

I'm in therapy-- again. 

This therapist is REALLY good. I've only been working with her for a couple months, and already I see some BIG progress. 

She has me keeping a pen-and-paper journal. As someone who has been a writer since she could hold a fat pencil in her hand, I've kept journals. As a matter of fact, I credit the journals-- and the skilled therapists-- got me through a turbulent adolescence that was horrible mostly due to the fact that I score high on the neurodivergence scale. 

I did not talk much at all. I wrote. 

However, as I did my best to continue this practice into adulthood, I admit that it was an epic failure.  Well-intentioned, I would buy pretty hardback journals with the intent of writing something every day. 

 I'm someone who can remember in detail, how to get to a place that she'd been to only once before but fails miserably at keeping track of her phone. Yep, I am the classic ' Absent-Minded Professor" Archetype. 

I suck at commitments, so I sucked at journalling. 

However Great Therapist suggested that I do the following: 

1. Keep track of gratitude by writing down at least three things for which I am grateful each evening. 

    Lately it has been " I am grateful for air conditioning." 

 2. Write letters to people to tell them things that are on my heart, but I cannot {yet, if ever} say out loud. 

   This is also very helpful, as I am processing the sudden death of a beloved man who was like the older brother I'd always wanted. 

   I've also written some shitty poetry here that, thank God will never see the light of day. 

3. Use the journal as a Brain Dump. 

    Sometimes stuff just needs to get out of my head and onto the poor unsuspecting paper. 

Am I the most faithful person regarding spending time with my journal every day? Meh. 

Am I better with keeping the journal than I was in my teens and 20's? Yes! 

Today I am grateful for the gift of wordsmithing. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 


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