Monday, April 24, 2023

A Weird Day

                                       Labyrinth at St Christopher's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, FL. 

Today is a weird day. It is the day that I went into a day surgery center and almost did not make it out alive. 

Apparently, several medical people informed me that I suffered a severe vasovagal syncope episode {otherwise known as fainting.} Fainting occurs when a person's blood pressure drops. Normally, someone who faints will come to consciousness in less than a minute.  It is rarely a medical emergency that can be life-threatening. 

However, this was not the case for me one year ago today. I was sitting in the prep area, cold, hungry, thirsty, and grumpy when a nurse stuck me with an IV needle. 

I blacked out, and what my soul experienced when my blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels Brian cannot seem to remember, but he said the bottom number was 45 or 50. 

 In other words, I was damn close to death. 

 I do not know what happened on this side, buy I do know what my soul experienced near the veil. 

 Soul life beyond the veil is perfect. At the risk of sounding crazier than people already believe me to be, I'm not sharing exactly what my soul experienced during this medical emergency.  This event only makes sense scientifically. I'm fully aware of the physiology of this emergency situation. My blood pressure dropped too low, and my heart rate plummeted. The team injected Epinephrine into my IV and I woke with a jolt. 

 Honestly, it was the rudest " awakening" I've experienced. I remember a male voice saying over and over " Stay with us, Sarah, Stay with us. "

 Once again, I was cold, hungry and grumpy. 

 I do know that I am still alive because there is unfinished business here on this plane. 

In the year since this event happened, I've made some changes. 

Life is short, and no one's tomorrow is a sure thing. 

I'm still here. 

Sarah Beth McCarren 


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