Wednesday, August 17, 2022

#Becoming More " Myself"


                                     Quote that has guided me through these past few months. 

One thing which I wanted to pray and work on is my " what next". I turned 46 in May, after a scary medical emergency in April-- one that shook me enough that I sought guidance from my priest. Her advice was to look at the summer months as a " sabbatical" of sorts {unlike her, I could not take an actual sabbatical} but I did lessen my obligations to what was absolutely necessary and took on NO NEW PROJECTS from May - August. 

It was a wonderful experience. I used the down time to pray, journal, and discuss what it means for me to serve God going forward in my second half of life.  I took time to listen to the Spirit and observe my own reactions to living with less busy-ness. 

 My medical emergency changed me by making me realize that I am at a literal mid-life. If I am fortunate, I'll live to age 90-ish. Math shows me that I am halfway there. 

 I cannot afford to waste time. 

 Spending this time in a more relaxed, less busy mode made me understand that my soul craves things that had been missing. 

 For instance: Music. I'd sang in groups for most of my life and just as I was thinking I'd like to get back into choral singing again, COVID struck. 

 Friends, I am happy to say that I'm back singing with the Pensacola Gulf Coast Chorale. We have our " boot camp" on Saturday {lunch, getting to know each other, and running through the music for the Fall Concert} I feel JOY!  I am also singing in the parish choir {as my schedule allows} and again, I feel JOY! I'd sang with the Chorale years ago and it was some of the best musical experiences I've had in my life. 

This is the same joy that I feel when I meet with my Daughters of the King chapter {DOK Is an order for women in The Episcopal Church & denominations in communion with us} I'd felt led to be a " DOK" for years but had not an opportunity for study & discernment until this spring.  I am looking forward to further work of prayer, service & evangelism {that " E" word} with my chapter and Diocese-wide assembly. 

Adding new ways of service means that I'll bid farewell to other activities. For instance, I'm hanging up my mentor 's hat at the local elementary school. There are only so many hours in a day, and so many days in each week. My reasons for arriving at this decision are personal. There are other activities that must be put away, and it is my hope that people understand that I need to match my soul's desire with a need in the community. 

Mae West said " You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. " 


Sarah McCarren 

August 17, 2022

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