Wednesday, August 24, 2022

After a medical emergency....

                                           Brian and I spent some " sabbatical" time this summer hiking the Western North Carolina mountains Photo by Brian. 

Back in April, when I was prepping for a routine procedure, I suffered a medical emergency that could have killed me. My blood pressure shot down to 55/35 {yup, according to the doctors who saved my life by pumping my IV full of endenephrin}Had I gone into full cardiac arrest {which somehow, I did not since my heart was still working, scarily slowly, but working nonetheless}, I most likely would not have survived. 

Long story short: I am blessed to be among the living. I recall vividly some weirdly comforting phenomena that occurred when I was " coding" , but since so few people will believe me, I'm not going to delve into that experience. Ask me in private & I might share. 

I've spent this summer prayerfully re-evaluating a lot of things. After all: I was given a second chance at living as my Creator intends for me to live. 

I've made some changes. For instance: I will no longer be silent on issues of justice in order to maintain the comfort level of acquaintances. We are going into what will probably be another ugly election season, and I cannot remain both silent and live authentically. I promise to not bring partisanship into my discourse, but I shall speak up for the oppressed, the poor and others who exist on the fringe of society. 

I plan to turn some tables and am ready for the consequences.  Already I was unfriended, blocked on social media, and ghosted by someone I love over my stance on reproductive rights and body autonomy for all persons. 

As I've stated before, I can be polite and welcome conversations about touchy subjects-- just as long as those subjects DO NOT include stripping away rights of others and/or taking away their autonomy. Concerning these topics, I cannot and will not waver. 


Sarah McCarren 


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