Sunday, July 31, 2022

What I learned from my own summer " sabbath time"


                                            Me with my rector at Beckwith November 2019. I love this photo of us: we are both dressed comfortably and enjoying the company of each other & our other parishioners at a Parish Retreat weekend. She returns from her three-month sabbatical this week-- and her first Sunday back with us in next week, August 7 . 

It has been an unusual summer at my parish. 

 You see, our rector {head priest} was gone on a three-month sabbatical from May 1 until tomorrow, August 1. Her first Sunday back with the parish will be August 7 {next week!} and I am so stoked to be able to welcome her home and exchange one of those famous HUGS with her. I know to let her take this month to ease back into " re-entry" after her time away from us {even before + George instructed the congregation to do so} but I'd be lying if I said I did not miss her this summer. 

 I missed Susan+, but I had years of her wisdom to lean into during her time away. There were several times this summer when I recalled some advice, a story, or an admonishment that Susan+ had given me during the many years we've known each other. I leaned into the wisdom she already gifted to me & it served me well. I know a person has really positively influenced my life when I can draw on her wisdom without a need to talk with her. 

 In spite of not having our leader, we at my parish managed to thrive during this time. New ministries began while current ones took a summer break. I'm grateful to be part of such a heathy, Spirit-led group of Jesus-followers. 

 I also took up the challenge to take my own " sabbath" this summer. From May until now, I intentionally stepped away from church & civic responsibilities. It was hard, but I stayed true to my sabbath time and did not volunteer for any political campaigns, nor work with the ReadyKids {the people who run the Reading Pals at the local elementary schools} 

To be honest, the ongoing threat of COVID infection made saying " no thanks" to a lot of opportunities this summer easier. 

 This summer I took up the practice of journalling, and even purposely stayed away from news & social media for an allotted amount of time in order to be fully present with my extended family. My extended family & I made some beautiful memories, both in western North Carolina & in Northwest Florida.

  It was nice to be fully present with those with whom I was with on any given day & time rather worrying about documenting & posting tons of photos to Facebook & Insta. I've learned to be much more mindful of my use of social media- and the breaks showed me the joy of just being in the moment. Americans have trouble with "BE-ing" For many of us, we are mistaken that everything must have an endgame. 


Brian & I also spent a lot of time together enjoying our hometown and its surroundings. We spent Saturday mornings walking downtown, sometimes picking up fresh produce {or homemade soap} from local vendors. Our salt & sea air immersion occurred on weekday mornings when most people were at work. I read & wrote in my journal when Brian completed crossword puzzles or fished. 


 Children's Christian Ed took its annual summer break, and I used this time to discern that I really need to be in the parish choir. After four wonderful years as a Godly Play storyteller, my heart tells me it is time to pursue choir-- a ministry that is part of my soul. I'll miss sharing stories with the children, but I know that both my own needs & the needs of our parish choir meet. Long story short: I'm going back into Sunday School Retirement. There are many reasons why I felt like I needed to discern leaving children's ministry-- one of which is that I always wanted to sing under a talented church musician, and now I will have that chance.

 I look forward to what the program year will be for my parish, our Rector, and myself. I know I am blessed to be in this place & among these incredible Christ-carriers. 


Sarah McCarren 

31 July 2022 

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